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Minor Feelings in the Wake of the Atlanta Attack: How a Mom of Asian Descent Spent the First 100 hours in the Aftermath
Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies ( IF 0.683 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/15327086211019954
Pengfei Zhao 1

This autoethnographic writing documents how a family of Chinese descent spent their first 100 hours after the Atlanta Shooting on March 16, 2021, in which a White gunman killed eight people, including six Asian women. It bears witness to the rise of the anti-Asian racism in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic and offers a snapshot of the private life of a family of Asian descent in the dawn of the Stop Asian Hate Movement. Drawing on Korean American poet Cathy Park Hong’s term minor feelings, this essay explores how emotions, rooted in racialized lived experience and triggered by the mass shooting, evolved, shifted, and fueled the sentiments that gave rise to the Stop Asian Hate Movement. Compared with the more visible violence against Asians and Asian Americans displayed on social media, it interrogates the less visible traumatic experience that haunts Asian and Asian American communities.


亚特兰大袭击事件后的轻微感受:亚裔妈妈如何度过灾后的前 100 小时

这份自述民族志写作记录了一个华裔家庭如何在 2021 年 3 月 16 日亚特兰大枪击事件后度过他们最初的 100 小时,其中一名白人枪手杀死了 8 人,其中包括 6 名亚洲女性。它见证了 COVID-19 大流行期间美国反亚裔种族主义的兴起,并提供了停止亚洲仇恨运动开始时一个亚裔家庭的私人生活的快照。借鉴韩裔美国诗人凯茜·朴洪的任期小情怀,本文探讨了源于种族化生活经验并由大规模枪击事件引发的情绪如何演变、转变和助长引发停止亚洲仇恨运动的情绪。与社交媒体上更明显的针对亚裔和亚裔美国人的暴力行为相比,它质疑了困扰亚裔和亚裔美国人社区的不太明显的创伤经历。
