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Review of the hagfishes (Myxinidae) from the Galapagos Islands, with descriptions of four new species and their phylogenetic relationships
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa178
M M Mincarone 1 , D Plachetzki 2 , C L McCord 3, 4 , T M Winegard 3 , B Fernholm 5 , C J Gonzalez 2 , D S Fudge 3

Hagfishes are an ancient group of benthic marine craniates that are found in deep or cold waters around the world. Among the 83 valid species, four are described from the Galapagos Islands: Eptatretus bobwisneri, E. grouseri, E. mccoskeri and Rubicundus lakeside. During a recent expedition to the archipelago, six species of hagfishes were collected, including four undescribed species of the genera Eptatretus (Eptatretus goslinei sp. nov.) and Myxine (Myxine greggi sp. nov., M. martinii sp. nov. and M. phantasma sp. nov.). In this paper, we provide a review of the eight species of hagfishes from the Galapagos Islands, including new diagnoses and an identification key for all species. Myxine phantasma is remarkable in that it is the only species of Myxine known to completely lack melanin-based pigments. Our species delineations were based on both morphological and molecular analyses. A phylogenetic hypothesis based on molecular data suggests that Galapagos hagfishes arose from multiple independent colonisations of the islands from as many as five different ancestral lineages. The large number of endemic hagfishes in the geologically young Galapagos Islands suggests that there is much global hagfish diversity yet to be discovered.



盲鳗是一种古老的海底海生颅骨群,发现于世界各地的深水或冷水中。在 83 种有效物种中,有 4 种来自加拉帕戈斯群岛:Eptatretus bobwisneriE. grouseriE. mccoskeriRubicundus 湖边。在最近对群岛的一次远征中,收集到了六种,包括四种未描述的Eptaretus属(Eptatretus goslinei sp. nov.)和MyxineMyxine greggi sp. nov.M. martinii sp. nov.M . phantasma sp. 十一月)。在本文中,我们回顾了来自加拉帕戈斯群岛的八种盲鳗,包括所有物种的新诊断和识别关键。Myxine phantasma的显着之处在于它是已知的唯一一种完全缺乏黑色素色素的Myxine。我们的物种描述基于形态学和分子分析。基于分子数据的系统发育假说表明,加拉帕戈斯盲鳗起源于该群岛的多个独立殖民地,来自多达五个不同的祖先谱系。地质年轻的加拉帕戈斯群岛有大量特有的盲鳗,这表明全球还有很多盲鳗的多样性尚待发现。