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“I see my ancestors”: exploring tribal college student experiences playing When Rivers Were Trails
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples Pub Date : 2021-05-30 , DOI: 10.1177/11771801211022329
Nichlas Emmons 1 , Elizabeth LaPensee 2

The educational video game, When Rivers Were Trails, was launched in 2019. The purpose of the game is to teach players about Indigenous perspectives of history, US federal allotment policies affecting tribal nations, and some of the effects of these policies on Indigenous peoples. This article explores tribal college student experiences playing When Rivers Were Trails in hopes that it provides the basis for further research into how tribal college faculty may be able to teach the game within their own classrooms. Tribal colleges and universities were created by tribal nations to provide for the higher education needs of their citizens. Using phenomenological research methods, seven college students volunteered to participate in a brief study about their experiences playing the video game. Upon transcription and analysis of the interview data, three themes were developed that capture how these students define their experience with When Rivers Were Trails: feelings of representation, histories of land dispossession, and resilience of communities.



教育视频游戏When Rivers Were Trails于 2019 年推出。该游戏的目的是向玩家传授土著历史观点、影响部落国家的美国联邦分配政策以及这些政策对土著人民的一些影响。这篇文章探讨了部落大学生玩When Rivers Were Trails 的体验希望它能为进一步研究部落大学教师如何在他们自己的课堂上教授游戏奠定基础。部落学院和大学由部落国家创建,以满足其公民的高等教育需求。使用现象学研究方法,七名大学生自愿参与一项关于他们玩电子游戏体验的简短研究。在对访谈数据进行转录和分析后,开发了三个主题来捕捉这些学生如何定义他们对《当河流是小径》的体验:代表性的感受、土地剥夺的历史和社区的复原力。
