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Modeling and Analysis of 3 MW Solar Photovoltaic Plant Using PVSyst at Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
International Journal of Photoenergy ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-29 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/6673448
Faizan Ul Hassan Faiz 1 , Rabia Shakoor 1 , Abdur Raheem 1 , Farhana Umer 1 , Nadia Rasheed 2 , Muhammad Farhan 3

Conventional means of electrical energy generation are costly, create environmental pollution, and demand a high level of maintenance and also going to end one day. This has made it crucial to exploit the untapped prospective of the environmentally friendly renewable energy resources. To address this problem, present research proposed an efficient, everlasting, and environment-friendly grid-connected PV system at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan (latitude: 29° 22 34 N, longitude: 71° 44 57 E). Bahawalpur is one of those sites where the potential of solar energy is immense. The global daily horizontal solar irradiance at the site is 1745.85 kWh/m2, having average solar irradiation of 5.9 kWh/m2 per day, and the ambient average temperature is about 25.7°C. In this research, the performance ratio and different power losses just like soiling, PV module losses, inverter, and losses due to temperature are taken into account and calculated by using PVSyst. The coal saving per day is 15369.3 kg which is equal to planting 147600 teak trees over a lifetime. The cost of the energy produced is 0.11 US $/kWh whereas in Pakistan the conventional energy tariff is 0.18 $/kWh. From the simulation results, the value of PR comes out 83.8%, and the CUF value is 16% with a total energy generation of 4908 MWh/year. The performance analysis of this grid-connected system would help in the designing, analysis, operation, and maintenance of the new grid-connected systems for different locations.


巴基斯坦巴哈瓦尔布尔伊斯兰大学使用 PVSyst 对 3 MW 太阳能光伏电站进行建模和分析

传统的发电方式成本高,造成环境污染,需要高水平的维护,而且总有一天会结束。这使得开发环境友好的可再生能源的未开发前景变得至关重要。为了解决这个问题,目前的研究在巴基斯坦巴哈瓦尔布尔伊斯兰大学(北纬 29° 22 34 ,经度: 71° 44 57 E)提出了一种高效、持久、环保的并网光伏系统。Bahawalpur 是太阳能潜力巨大的地点之一。场地全球日水平太阳辐照度为1745.85 kWh/m 2,平均太阳辐照量为5.9 kWh/m 2每天,环境平均温度约为 25.7°C。在这项研究中,性能比和不同的功率损耗,如污染、光伏组件损耗、逆变器和温度损耗等都被考虑在内,并使用 PVSyst 进行计算。每天节煤15369.3公斤,相当于一生种植14.76万棵柚木。生产的能源成本为 0.11 美元/千瓦时,而在巴基斯坦,常规能源关税为 0.18 美元/千瓦时。从模拟结果来看,PR 值为 83.8%,CUF 值为 16%,总发电量为 4908 MWh/年。该并网系统的性能分析将有助于不同地点的新并网系统的设计、分析、运行和维护。