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Remote Work
IEEE Micro ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-25 , DOI: 10.1109/mm.2021.3073433
Shane Greenstein 1

We are living through a monumental change in work. Experiments during the pandemic turned into regular operations, and have had a profound impact on perceptions of the viability of remote work. I do not lightly use the word “profound.” The trend reverses more than two centuries of separating the location of work and residences. That separation has deep roots, and reflects something fundamental about the gains to society from separating work from other activities. All developed countries have this feature. The pandemic brought about an acceleration of remote work. To appreciate how suddenly this arrived, consider that two years ago less than 25% of the U.S. workforce participated in some sort of remote work at home, and it was typically less than half their work hours. During the height of the pandemic, however, approximately 40% of the U.S. labor force participated in remote work, and it was full time at home.



我们正在经历工作的巨大变化。大流行期间的实验变成了常规操作,并对远程工作可行性的看法产生了深远的影响。我不会轻易使用“深刻”这个词。这一趋势逆转了两个多世纪以来工作地点和住宅地点的分离。这种分离有很深的根源,反映了将工作与其他活动分开给社会带来的好处的一些基本特征。所有发达国家都有这个特点。大流行带来了远程工作的加速。要了解这种情况是如何突然发生的,请考虑两年前,不到25%的美国劳动力在家中从事某种远程工作,而通常不到他们工作时间的一半。然而,在大流行的高峰期,大约 40% 的美国