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Towards Million-Server Network Simulations on Just a Laptop
arXiv - CS - Performance Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: arxiv-2105.12663
Maciej Besta, Marcel Schneider, Salvatore Di Girolamo, Ankit Singla, Torsten Hoefler

The growing size of data center and HPC networks pose unprecedented requirements on the scalability of simulation infrastructure. The ability to simulate such large-scale interconnects on a simple PC would facilitate research efforts. Unfortunately, as we first show in this work, existing shared-memory packet-level simulators do not scale to the sizes of the largest networks considered today. We then illustrate a feasibility analysis and a set of enhancements that enable a simple packet-level htsim simulator to scale to the unprecedented simulation sizes on a single PC. Our code is available online and can be used to design novel schemes in the coming era of omnipresent data centers and HPC clusters.


