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Statistical characteristics of Arctic forecast busts and their relationship to Arctic weather patterns in summer
Atmospheric Science Letters ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.1002/asl.1038
Akio Yamagami 1 , Mio Matsueda 1

Recently, human activity in the Arctic region, such as trans-Arctic shipping, has increased due to the reduction in Arctic sea ice. Accurate weather forecasts will become increasingly important as the level of human activity in the Arctic continues to increase. Operational numerical weather predictions (NWPs) have been improved considerably over recent decades; however, they still occasionally generate large forecast errors referred to as “forecast busts.” This study investigates forecast busts over the Arctic between 2008 and 2019 using operational forecasts from five leading NWP centers. Forecasts with an anomaly correlation coefficient below its climatological 10th percentile, and a root-mean-square error above its 90th percentile at a lead time of 144 hr, are regarded as “busts.” The occurrence frequency of forecast busts decreased from 2008 (13–7%) to 2012 and was between 2 and 6% for the period 2012–2019. Arctic forecast busts were most frequent in the May and July–September periods (~6 to 7%), but less frequent between December and March (~4%). The summertime forecast bust occurred more frequently when the initial pattern was the Greenland Blocking (GB) or Arctic Cyclone (AC) pattern rather than one of the other patterns. Some busts occurred without the weather pattern transition (~22 to 40%), but the others occurred with the pattern transition. These results help users to be careful when they use the forecasts initialized on GB and AC patterns.



最近,由于北极海冰的减少,北极地区的人类活动,例如跨北极航运,有所增加。随着北极人类活动水平的不断提高,准确的天气预报将变得越来越重要。近几十年来,业务数值天气预报 (NWP) 得到了显着改进;然而,它们仍然偶尔会产生称为“预测萧条”的大预测错误。本研究使用来自五个主要 NWP 中心的业务预测,调查了 2008 年至 2019 年期间北极的预报崩溃。异常相关系数低于其气候学第 10 个百分位数的预测,以及在 144 小时的提前期中均方根误差高于第 90 个百分位数的预测被视为“萧条”。” 预测萧条的发生频率从 2008 年(13-7%)到 2012 年下降,2012-2019 年期间在 2% 到 6% 之间。北极预报崩溃在 5 月和 7 月至 9 月期间最为频繁(~6% 至 7%),但在 12 月至 3 月期间不太频繁(~4%)。当初始模式是格陵兰阻塞 (GB) 或北极气旋 (AC) 模式而不是其他模式之一时,夏季预报崩溃的发生频率更高。一些萧条发生在没有天气模式转变的情况下(~22% 到 40%),但其他萧条发生在模式转变的情况下。这些结果有助于用户在使用对 GB 和 AC 模式初始化的预测时要小心。但在 12 月和 3 月之间频率较低(~4%)。当初始模式是格陵兰阻塞 (GB) 或北极气旋 (AC) 模式而不是其他模式之一时,夏季预报崩溃的发生频率更高。一些萧条发生在没有天气模式转变的情况下(~22% 到 40%),但其他萧条发生在模式转变的情况下。这些结果帮助用户在使用在 GB 和 AC 模式上初始化的预测时要小心。但在 12 月和 3 月之间频率较低(~4%)。当初始模式是格陵兰阻塞 (GB) 或北极气旋 (AC) 模式而不是其他模式之一时,夏季预报崩溃的发生频率更高。一些萧条发生在没有天气模式转变的情况下(~22% 到 40%),但其他萧条发生在模式转变的情况下。这些结果有助于用户在使用对 GB 和 AC 模式初始化的预测时要小心。