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Multiple Identities and Scholarship: Black Scholars’ Struggles for Acceptance and Recognition in the United States of America
International Studies Review ( IF 4.342 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1093/isr/viaa098
Claudine Kuradusenge-McLeod 1

This article explores the stories of African and African American scholars in predominantly white institutions. It sheds light on the challenges of underrepresentation, sexism, and racial identity in an area of white fragility: academia. The lack of representation among International Studies scholars in the United States and Europe has not only had an impact on academia, but has also put heavy pressure on minority scholars, since they are often asked, by their institutions and students, to advise and mentor students who too often feel out of place or misunderstood by the faculty available to them. Therefore, it is imperative that we embrace minority faculty members, whether they are from the United States, Europe, or the Global South. Using narrative analysis, I examine conversations that I had with thirteen Black women who work at prestigious white universities and ten students who took classes with at least one Black, female professor. Although our field has expanded and accepted new members, many minority scholars still see it as a very selective, almost all Western, boys’ club.



本文探讨了以白人为主的机构中的非洲和非裔美国学者的故事。它揭示了在一个白人脆弱的领域:学术界,代表性不足、性别歧视和种族认同所面临的挑战。美国和欧洲的国际研究学者缺乏代表性不仅对学术界产生了影响,而且也给少数族裔学者带来了沉重的压力,因为他们的机构和学生经常要求他们为学生提供建议和指导他们经常感到格格不入或被他们可用的教师误解。因此,我们必须接纳少数族裔教师,无论他们来自美国、欧洲还是全球南方。运用叙事分析,我检查了我与 13 名在著名白人大学工作的黑人女性和 10 名与至少一名黑人女教授一起上课的学生的对话。尽管我们的领域已经扩大并接受了新成员,但许多少数民族学者仍然认为它是一个非常有选择性的,几乎全是西方的男孩俱乐部。