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Survival, development and reproduction of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) under effects of insecticides used in tomato plants
Ecotoxicology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10646-021-02415-4
Túlio Guimarães Silva , Jander Rodrigues Souza , Luciano Bastos Moreira , Lucas Lorenzon Resende Lima , Geraldo Andrade Carvalho

Agriculture depends on the correct use of different methods for pest control, however the cultivation methods adopted for Solanaceae demands numerous pesticide applications. These products can be either harmful or selective to beneficial organisms, such as Coccinellidae predators. The aim of this study was to assess the physiological selectivity of insecticides, registered for tomato pest control, on Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). The maximum recommended field dosage of the insecticides spinetoram, spiromesifen, methoxyfenozide, metaflumizone, tebufenozide and methomyl was used. They were sprayed on eggs, third instar larvae, pupae and adults of H. axyridis using Potter´s tower; control treatment consisted of water. Methoxyfenozide didn’t reduce any biological feature of the predator. Spiromesifen only reduced survival over time when sprayed on third instar larvae. Spinetoram shortened larval period and reduced survival of adults. When sprayed on larvae, metaflumizone reduced larval survival. Tebufenozide reduced egg viability, pupal period and larval survival over time. It is concluded that methoxyfenozide, spiromesifen and spinetoram are the least toxic to H. axyridis, and their usage should be prioritized in integrated pest management (IPM) programs; both tebufenozide and metaflumizone are harmful to some important biological features of the predator. Methomyl is highly toxic in controlled conditions, so its toxicity to H. axyridis should be confirmed in field and greenhouse tests, we also suggest further studies with the other compounds in different concentration and route of exposure.



农业依赖于正确使用不同方法进行虫害控制,但是茄科采用的栽培方法需要大量农药施用。这些产品可能对有益生物(例如球虫捕食者)有害或具有选择性。这项研究的目的是评估注册于番茄害虫控制上的杀虫剂对异色瓢虫的生理选择性(Pallas,1773)(鞘翅目:球虫)。使用了杀虫剂多杀菌素,螺虫西芬,甲氧基苯乙酰胺,甲氟虫zone,戊苯乙肼和灭多威的最大推荐田间剂量。将它们喷在卵,三龄幼虫,p和腋臭成虫的成虫上使用波特的塔;对照处理由水组成。甲氧芬尼特并没有减少捕食者的任何生物学特征。Spiromesifen只能喷洒在三龄幼虫上,随着时间的流逝才能减少生存。Spinetoram缩短了幼虫期并降低了成虫的存活率。当喷洒在幼虫上时,metflumizone会降低幼虫的存活率。Tebufenozide会降低卵的生存力、,期和幼虫存活率。结论是,甲氧芬诺嗪,螺西米芬和多杀菌素对毒死H的毒性最低,应在病虫害综合治理(IPM)计划中优先使用它们。替布非尼嗪和甲氰菊酯均对捕食者的某些重要生物学特征有害。灭多威在受控条件下具有剧毒,因此其对腋臭线虫的毒性 应该在田间和温室试验中得到证实,我们还建议对其他化合物以不同的浓度和暴露途径进行进一步研究。
