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Influencers and brands successful collaborations: A mutual reinforcement to promote products and services on social media
Journal of Marketing Communications Pub Date : 2021-05-25 , DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2021.1929410
Sergio Ibáñez-Sánchez 1 , Marta Flavián 1 , Luis V. Casaló 1 , Daniel Belanche 1


Brands and influencers are increasingly collaborating in the development of marketing campaigns. This work analyses to what extent the collaboration of influencers with renowned brands affects the effectiveness of the message and the influencer’s own reputation. The results of an experiment with more than four hundred Spanish consumers indicated that renowned brand-influencer collaborations, in comparison to non-renowned brand-influencer collaborations, enhanced consumers’ attitude towards the message, their purchase intentions and the perceived credibility of the influencer. Furthermore, positive attitude towards the message and intention to search for information are greater for services offered by renowned brands than for their products. This study contributes by bridging a gap in the literature and raises interesting implications for brand managers and their decisions to collaborate with influencers on social media.




品牌和影响者在营销活动的开发中越来越多地合作。这项工作分析了影响者与知名品牌的合作在多大程度上影响了信息的有效性和影响者自己的声誉。对 400 多名西班牙消费者进行的一项实验结果表明,与非知名品牌影响者合作相比,知名品牌影响者合作提高了消费者对信息的态度、他们的购买意图和影响者的感知可信度。此外,知名品牌提供的服务比他们的产品更能体现对信息的积极态度和搜索信息的意愿。
