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Potential infection risk assessment of improper bioaerosol experiment operation in one BSL-3 laboratory based on the improved Wells-Riley method
Building and Environment ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107974
Zhijian Liu , Wenbin Zhuang , Xiaoqi Hu , Zhiheng Zhao , Rui Rong , Jinsong Li , Na Li , Wenjun Ding

Laboratory-acquired infection caused by improper operation in the course of experimental process is frequently reported, so the exposure risk study of biosafety laboratory has become a top priority. In this study, the infection risk of bioaerosols under three typical improper operations was investigated by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method coupled with Wells-Riley equation based on one typical BSL-3 laboratory bioaerosol releasing experiment. Filed measurement of concentrations of two bioaerosols (Serratia marcescens and phage ΦX174) were used to verify the accuracy of the CFD model. Combined with air-age isosurface map, the potential infection risk and time disinfection law were explored in detail. The results showed that the air recirculation zone of the laboratory is mainly located near the experimental equipments, and the bioaerosol removal efficiency in regions above 1.5 m is low. The risk of infection in different regions varied by more than 20 times. In addition, the potential exposure per minute was higher at the beginning of the leak, and the risk value was maintained at about 1%/min after 4 min. These findings provide some guidance suggestions for disinfection procedures that the first is to avoid the initial exposure of leakage, and the second is to grasp high-risk targeted disinfection location.



由于实验过程中操作不当导致实验室获得性感染的报道屡见不鲜,因此生物安全实验室的暴露风险研究成为当务之急。本研究基于一个典型的BSL-3实验室生物气溶胶释放实验,利用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法结合Wells-Riley方程,研究了三种典型不当操作下生物气溶胶的感染风险。两种生物气溶胶(粘质沙雷氏菌)浓度的归档测量和噬菌体 ΦX174) 用于验证 CFD 模型的准确性。结合空气年龄等值面图,详细探讨了潜在的感染风险和时间消毒规律。结果表明,实验室空气再循环区主要位于实验设备附近,1.5 m以上区域生物气溶胶去除效率较低。不同地区感染风险相差20多倍。此外,泄漏开始时每分钟的潜在暴露量较高,4分钟后风险值维持在1%/min左右。这些发现为消毒程序提供了一些指导建议,一是避免泄漏的初始暴露,二是把握高风险的针对性消毒位置。
