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International Review of Mission Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12357
Ambrose Mong

This article highlights efforts to promote peace and reconciliation in Guatemala. One of the reconcilers has been Rigoberta Menchú, receiver of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992. The clergy and laity of the Roman Catholic Church have worked to ensure that the atrocities and violence the people suffered in the past would not happen again – nunca más (never again). The murder of Bishop Juan José Gerardi reveals not only the crimes of the military, but also the resolute commitment of the church in the process toward peace, reconciliation, and the healing of the nation.



本文重点介绍了促进危地马拉和平与和解的努力。调解者之一是1992年诺贝尔和平奖获得者RigobertaMenchú。罗马天主教会的神职人员和la徒努力确保过去人民的暴行和暴力不会再次发生– nuncamás(再也不)。胡安·何塞·杰拉尔迪主教的谋杀不仅揭示了军队的罪行,而且还揭示了教会在实现和平,和解与民族康复过程中的坚定承诺。