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Carbonates in Irrigated Soils of the Caspian Depression
Arid Ecosystems Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079096121020062
I. N. Gorokhova , I. N. Chursin


This paper discusses the distribution and content of carbonates (CaCO3) in upper horizons of irrigated soils in the Sarpa Hollow of the Caspian Depression on the example of the Duboovrazhnyi irrigated land mass in Volgograd oblast. At the peak of irrigation activities (1985–1990), this area was used to cultivate forage grasses. Sprinkling irrigation techniques were used, the groundwater level remained satisfactory, and no secondary salinization foci were noted. The area currently belongs to a private farm that uses drip irrigation to cultivate cucurbits and vegetable crops. The groundwater level remains satisfactory, and secondary salinization occurs in individual soil horizons. Some fields within the irrigated land mass feature a spotty pattern that can be identified under winter grain crops both in field conditions and on satellite imagery. It is established that the spotty pattern is not related to soil salinization; instead, it is due to differences in the concentrations of carbonates in the surface soil layer. The combined use of remote sensing data and field-survey data collected for areas featuring different degrees of spottiness and spectral brightness in space images makes it possible to distinguish soils with different carbonate concentrations in the arable horizon, which is of utmost importance for their amelioration and reclamation.




本文讨论了碳酸盐(CaCO 3)以伏尔加格勒州的Duboovrazhnyi灌溉土地块为例,在里海De陷Sarpa凹陷的灌溉土壤上层。在灌溉活动的高峰期(1985年至1990年),该地区被用来种植饲草。使用洒水灌溉技术,地下水水位保持令人满意,并且没有发现次生盐渍化灶。该地区目前属于一个私人农场,该农场使用滴灌技术来种植葫芦和蔬菜作物。地下水位仍然令人满意,并且在各个土壤层中都发生了次生盐渍化。灌溉土地上的某些田地具有斑点模式,无论是在田间条件下还是在卫星图像上,都可以在冬粮作物下识别出斑点模式。可以确定斑点模式与土壤盐渍化无关。相反,这是由于表层土壤层中碳酸盐浓度的差异所致。空间图像中斑点和光谱亮度程度不同的区域所收集的遥感数据和现场调查数据的结合使用,可以区分可耕层中碳酸盐浓度不同的土壤,这对于改善和改善土壤至关重要。开垦。
