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Henry Knighton, the Commons and the crisis of governance in the 1380s
Historical Research Pub Date : 2021-01-19 , DOI: 10.1093/hisres/htab005
Gwilym Dodd 1

This discussion provides the first in-depth investigation into the meaning and significance of a quite exceptional petition presented by the parliamentary Commons in the reign of Richard II. The petition survives as a unique copy in the chronicle of Henry Knighton: it was not recorded on the parliament roll. Knighton inserted the petition into his more general account of the Merciless Parliament of 1388. In this discussion I argue that the petition is most likely to have been presented in the parliament that met in the aftermath of the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, and as a result holds great constitutional significance.


亨利·奈顿(Henry Knighton)、下议院和 1380 年代的治理危机

本次讨论首次深入调查了理查二世统治时期议会下议院提出的一份非常特殊的请愿书的意义和意义。请愿书作为亨利奈顿编年史中的独特副本幸存下来:它没有记录在议会名册上。奈顿将请愿书插入到他对 1388 年无情议会的更一般性的描述中。在本次讨论中,我认为请愿书最有可能在 1381 年农民起义后的议会中提出,并且作为结果具有重大的宪法意义。