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‘Robin of Redesdale’s Rebellion’ of 1469
Northern History ( IF 0.115 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-23 , DOI: 10.1080/0078172x.2021.1917810
Penny Tucker 1

The defeat in July 1469 of forces loyal to the king, Edward IV, by an army of Yorkshire rebels led by someone who called himself Robin of Redesdale produced a second outbreak of civil war less than a decade after the first had brought King Edward to the throne and in due course almost unseating him. Although several historians have seen a connection between this rebellion and a slightly earlier one, which reportedly occurred in the north and was also led by someone known as Robin of Redesdale, it remains unclear what relationship if any there was between the two Robin of Redesdale rebellions and other northern uprisings in the spring and summer of 1469. One aim of this article is to answer that question and to try to establish what really happened. Much more importantly, it aims to shed light on the nature of the original plan, why the July uprising when and in the form that it did, and why it had such disastrous consequences.


1469 年的“雷德斯代尔叛乱的罗宾”

1469 年 7 月,效忠于国王爱德华四世的军队被约克郡叛军击败,该军队由自称为雷德斯代尔的罗宾的人率领,在第一次将爱德华国王带到英国后不到十年内爆发了第二次内战。王位,并在适当的时候几乎让他下台。虽然一些历史学家已经看到这次叛乱与稍早的叛乱之间存在联系,据报道,这次叛乱发生在北部,并且由一个被称为雷德斯代尔罗宾的人领导,但目前仍不清楚两次雷德斯代尔罗宾叛乱之间是否存在关系以及 1469 年春夏的其他北方起义。本文的目的之一就是回答这个问题并试图确定到底发生了什么。更重要的是,它旨在阐明原始计划的性质,
