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TransparC2U–A two-pool, pedology oriented forest soil carbon simulation model aimed at user investigations of multiple uncertainties
Ecological Modelling ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109603
I. Callesen , A. Magnussen

The dynamic character of forest soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks is demonstrated in the simulation model TransparC2U. The model has up to 10 layers, each with two pools with first order kinetics running for 40 years. The model is aimed at teaching soil science to a broad audience in academia, extension services, secondary schools and public life. The learning objective of the model is to bring about an understanding of SOC dynamics over time, uncertainty, and the complexity of the soil profile with its pedogenesis represented by soil horizons. The user works in an illustrated spreadsheet calculator with options for instant and interactive exploration of the multiple uncertainties and constraints on forest SOC stocks. The user divides the initial SOC stock in each horizon into two pools, Cnew with faster mineralization, and Cold with very slow mineralization, based on their knowledge of horizon designations and stabilization mechanisms.

Data from 23 soil Nordic and Baltic forest soil profiles with horizons characterized by chemical and physical properties are available. Site information to the user intended for reflections on choosing parameter values includes soil classification, tree species, climate, stand age, soil nutrient status and properties that govern physical or chemical protection of soil C (extractable phosphorus (P), total nitrogen (N), subsoil clay content and extractable iron (Fe)). Other changeable inputs are the average annual aboveground litter fall, root litter allocation to individual soil horizons as a fraction (%) of aboveground input, and decomposition rates of each pool. The game played aims for preservation of the initial C stock by manual calibration by the user. The sensitivity of the potential C change (dC ±) is tested by changing the parameter values and watching the effects on model results, i.e. C stocks in each horizon over time. The sensitivity analysis can involve the uncertainty of the input, the initial C content in each horizon, the fraction of Cold and the turnover rates that represent heterotrophic respiration.

The processes representing C input to deeper horizons (roots and exudates), bioturbation by macrofauna, as well as podzolisation provide optional transfer of C between the forest floor and mineral soil layers when judged appropriate by the user based on the site and stand information.

The user may interpret results of the simulation by examining the outputs of total C stock change over 40 years by inspecting total N and P requirements for new litter inputs against potentially available current and future N and P stocks in the soil and the capacity of C binding by subsoil clay and Fe-oxides. It highlights the physical and chemical soil properties required to justify the simulated fate of new and old SOC and the sensitivity of controlling parameters on a decadal timescale to the user.


TransparC2U –一种面向教育的两池森林土壤碳模拟模型,旨在对多个不确定性进行用户调查

仿真模型TransparC2U演示了森林土壤有机碳(SOC)种群的动态特征。该模型最多包含10个层,每个层有两个池,一级动力学运行40年。该模型旨在向学术界,推广服务,中学和公共生活中的广大受众讲授土壤科学。该模型的学习目标是对SOC随时间变化的动态性,不确定性以及土壤剖面及其土壤成因的成岩作用的复杂性进行理解。用户在图示的电子表格计算器中工作,该计算器具有用于即时和交互式探索森林SOC存量的多种不确定性和约束条件的选项。用户将每个层级中的初始SOC存量分为两个池,C new更快的矿化,而C很慢矿化的基础上,他们的视野名称和稳定机制的认识。



