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Emotional reactions to robot colleagues in a role-playing experiment
International Journal of Information Management ( IF 21.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102361
Nina Savela , Atte Oksanen , Max Pellert , David Garcia

We investigated how people react emotionally to working with robots in three scenario-based role-playing survey experiments collected in 2019 and 2020 from the United States (Study 1: N = 1003; Study 2: N = 969, Study 3: N = 1059). Participants were randomly assigned to groups and asked to write a short post about a scenario in which we manipulated the number of robot teammates or the size of the social group (work team vs. organization). Emotional content of the corpora was measured using six sentiment analysis tools, and socio-demographic and other factors were assessed through survey questions and LIWC lexicons and further analyzed in Study 4. The results showed that people are less enthusiastic about working with robots than with humans. Our findings suggest these more negative reactions stem from feelings of oddity in an unusual situation and the lack of social interaction.



我们在2019年和2020年从美国收集的三个基于场景的角色扮演调查实验中,研究了人们对使用机器人的情感反应(研究1:N  = 1003;研究2:N  = 969,研究3:N = 1059)。参与者被随机分配到小组中,并被要求写一篇简短的文章,介绍我们操纵机器人队友的数量或社交团体的规模(工作团队与组织)的情况。使用六种情绪分析工具测量了语料库的情感含量,并通过调查问题和LIWC词典评估了社会人口统计学和其他因素,并在研究4中进行了进一步分析。结果表明,与人相比,与人合作时,人们不那么热衷于机器人。 。我们的研究结果表明,这些更多的负面反应源于在异常情况下的陌生感觉以及缺乏社交互动。
