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Thinking in a foreign tongue: The problem of English language dominance in social research
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs ( IF 1.443 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-21 , DOI: 10.1177/14550725211010682
Ditte Andersen 1 , Matilda Hellman 2

Drugs and alcohol are consumed by people from different countries and language groups around the world. Yet, this diversity fails to be reflected in the research that aims to expound the pleasures, problems, and consequences of this consumption. A recent study documents the degree to which the Anglophone world dominates the addiction publishing field (Hellman et al., 2020). The English-speaking world of four countries – the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia – represented 75% of the editorial workforce and 70% of all authors that published in the 41 journals. Representation of low-income countries was close to zero; there was a negligible number of author and editor affiliations in middle-income countries, and the editors-in-chief were mostly male (80%). All journals nevertheless claimed to advance research of universal value, applicability, and closeness to contexts of usage. The question becomes: are we achieving a closeness to the diverse realities around the world when our modus operandi entails a homogeneous isomorphic wheel, where almost everybody comes from the same background and views matters through similar cognitive and cultural setups?



来自世界各地不同国家和语言群体的人们消费毒品和酒精。然而,这种多样性未能反映在旨在阐述这种消费的乐趣、问题和后果的研究中。最近的一项研究记录了英语世界在成瘾出版领域占主导地位的程度(Hellman 等人,2020 年)。美国、英国、加拿大和澳大利亚这四个国家的英语世界占编辑人员的 75% 和在 41 种期刊上发表的所有作者的 70%。低收入国家的代表性接近于零;中等收入国家的作者和编辑从属机构数量微不足道,主编大多为男性(80%)。尽管如此,所有期刊都声称要推进具有普遍价值的研究,适用性和与使用环境的接近程度。问题变成了:当我们的工作方式需要一个同质的同构轮时,我们是否正在接近世界各地的不同现实,几乎每个人都来自相同的背景,并通过相似的认知和文化设置来看待问题?