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Comparison of social representations of NEETs in active young French adults and NEETs themselves
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling ( IF 1.125 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-21 , DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2021.1900776
Auguste Dumouilla 1 , Marion Botella 1 , Maxime Gillet 2 , Hélène Joncheray 2, 3 , Jérôme Guegan 1 , Léonore Robieux 4 , Pascal Bordes 2 , Luc Collard 2 , Sabina Hodzic 5 , Laurent Sovet 1 , Todd Lubart 1 , Franck Zenasni 1


Although diverse European policy initiatives have been developed to integrate young NEETs – “Not in Employment, Education or Training”, it is particularly relevant to question how NEETs are perceived by their counterparts who are actively engaged in society. For this reason, we aimed to examine the Social Representations (SRs) of NEETs in France, using the classic free evocation technique. French NEETs (n = 71) and matched controls (n = 66; people employed, in education or in training) were interviewed. Results showed the scope of SRs for the semantic field of the term NEET and its associated terms. The need to develop effective communication to talk about work, education, and training with NEETs and implications for career counselling are discussed.


活跃的法国青年与 NEET 自身的 NEET 社会表征的比较


尽管已经制定了多种欧洲政策举措来整合年轻的 NEET——“不在就业、教育或培训中”,但质疑积极参与社会的同行如何看待 NEET 尤其重要。出于这个原因,我们旨在使用经典的自由唤起技术检查法国 NEET 的社会表征 (SR)。采访了法国 NEET(n  = 71)和匹配的对照(n  = 66;受雇、受教育或接受培训的人)。结果显示了术语NEET及其相关术语的语义领域的 SR 范围。讨论了与 NEET 进行有效沟通以谈论工作、教育和培训的必要性以及对职业咨询的影响。
