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Revisioning the deaf community: the journey to developing a mixed-modality multilingual identity
Language Learning Journal Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1080/09571736.2021.1923782
Sarah Sheridan 1


Sign language learners are a heterogenous group who have different motivations for embarking on formal studies. It is apparent at the outset that many learners are uninformed about sign languages and the deaf community. It has been previously noted that societies often lack the understanding that signed languages are valid languages, and have prevailing ideologies that oral-auditive languages are superior to visual-spatial languages. This research study explores the extent to which being a sign language learner contributes to the formation or (re)negotiation of a multilingual identity. Researchers have hypothesised that in the right conditions, a classroom environment allows for a participative multilingual identity to be formed. In order to investigate this, interviews were conducted with 21 learners enrolled in a Deaf Studies programme at a university in Ireland. Findings suggest that the immersive nature of the learning environment acts as a catalyst for shifting language ideologies. This claim is based on learners’ growing appreciation of the social justice principles which deaf communities are striving for in relation to access and recognition. The argument is put forward that this may lead to a (re)negotiated multilingual identity, which now encompasses a visual-spatial sign language.




手语学习者是一个异质的群体,他们开始正式学习的动机各不相同。一开始很明显,许多学习者对手语和聋人社区一无所知。之前已经注意到,社会往往缺乏对手语是有效语言的理解,并且普遍存在口头-听觉语言优于视觉-空间语言的意识形态。本研究探讨了手语学习者在多大程度上有助于形成或(重新)协商多语言身份。研究人员假设,在适当的条件下,课堂环境允许形成参与性的多语言身份。为了调查此事,对爱尔兰一所大学参加聋人研究项目的 21 名学习者进行了访谈。研究结果表明,学习环境的沉浸式本质是转变语言意识形态的催化剂。这一主张是基于学习者对聋人社区在获取和认可方面正在努力争取的社会正义原则的日益了解。提出的论点是,这可能导致(重新)协商的多语言身份,现在包括视觉空间手语。
