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Survey on set-based design (SBD) quantitative methods
Systems Engineering ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1002/sys.21580
Shawn Dullen 1 , Dinesh Verma 2 , Mark Blackburn 2 , Cliff Whitcomb 3

Product development efforts now more than ever are in need of methodologies that can address the challenges of increased system complexities, shortening time to market, increased demands in mass customization, market instabilities, geographical barriers, improved innovation, and adaptability to emerging technologies. To address these challenges most companies will need to make key decisions early in the product development life-cycle. In this early phase there are high levels of information uncertainty and information ambiguity. Under these circumstances many companies will converge too early to a point design (Point Based Design—PBD) which will lead to increased cost and schedule delays due to reworking the design later in the product development life cycle. To overcome these challenges many researchers have proposed the Set-Based Design (SBD) methodology. However, there has been limited guidance on how to define, reason, and narrow sets while improving the level of abstraction of the design. To address such concerns, a literature review was conducted. The contributions of this research include: (1) aggregated literature from over 100 sources on quantitative methods (QM) that has not been considered SBD but does support set-based thinking, (2) consolidated body of knowledge on QM to help industrial practitioners implement SBD, (3) ​defined gaps and opportunities for future research, and (4) defined strengths and limitations of QM and techniques to define, reason and narrow sets.



现在,产品开发工作比以往任何时候都更需要能够解决系统复杂性增加、上市时间缩短、大规模定制需求增加、市场不稳定、地理障碍、改进创新和对新兴技术的适应性等挑战的方法。为了应对这些挑战,大多数公司需要在产品开发生命周期的早期做出关键决策。在这个早期阶段,存在高度的信息不确定性和信息歧义。在这种情况下,许多公司会过早地收敛到点设计(基于点的设计——PBD),这将导致成本增加和进度延迟,因为在产品开发生命周期的后期重新设计。为了克服这些挑战,许多研究人员提出了基于集合的设计 (SBD) 方法。然而,关于如何在提高设计抽象级别的同时定义、推理和缩小集合的指导非常有限。为了解决这些问题,进行了文献综述。本研究的贡献包括:(1) 来自 100 多个来源的关于定量方法 (QM) 的汇总文献,这些文献尚未被视为 SBD,但确实支持基于集合的思维,(2) 有关 QM 的综合知识体系,以帮助工业从业者实施SBD,(3) 定义了未来研究的差距和机会,以及 (4) 定义了 QM 的优势和局限性以及定义、推理和缩小集合的技术。和缩小集合,同时提高设计的抽象水平。为了解决这些问题,进行了文献综述。本研究的贡献包括:(1) 来自 100 多个来源的关于定量方法 (QM) 的汇总文献,这些文献尚未被视为 SBD,但确实支持基于集合的思维,(2) 有关 QM 的综合知识体系,以帮助工业从业者实施SBD,(3) 定义了未来研究的差距和机会,以及 (4) 定义了 QM 的优势和局限性以及定义、推理和缩小集合的技术。和缩小集合,同时提高设计的抽象水平。为了解决这些问题,进行了文献综述。本研究的贡献包括:(1) 来自 100 多个来源的关于定量方法 (QM) 的汇总文献,这些文献尚未被视为 SBD,但确实支持基于集合的思维,(2) 有关 QM 的综合知识体系,以帮助工业从业者实施SBD,(3) 定义了未来研究的差距和机会,以及 (4) 定义了 QM 的优势和局限性以及定义、推理和缩小集合的技术。