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udkm1Dsim – a Python toolbox for simulating 1D ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter
Computer Physics Communications ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108031
Daniel Schick

The udkm1Dsim toolbox is a collection of Python classes and routines to simulate the thermal, structural, and magnetic dynamics after laser excitation as well as the corresponding X-ray scattering response in one-dimensional samples, such as multilayers. The toolbox provides the capabilities to define arbitrary layered structures on the atomic level including a rich database of element-specific physical properties. The excitation of dynamics is represented by an N-temperature-model which is commonly applied in ultrafast physics. Structural dynamics due to thermal stresses are calculated by a linear-chain model of masses and springs. The implementation of specific magnetic dynamics can be easily accomplished by the user employing a generalized magnetization interface class. The resulting X-ray diffraction response is computed by kinematical or dynamical X-ray theory which can also include polarization-dependent magnetic scattering. The udkm1Dsim toolbox is highly modular and allows for injecting user-defined inputs at any step within the simulation procedure.

New version program summary

Program Title: udkm1Dsim

CPC Library link to program files: https://doi.org/10.17632/bnzw823v6y.1

Developer's repository link: https://github.com/dschick/udkm1Dsim

Code Ocean capsule: https://codeocean.com/capsule/8131941

Licensing provisions: MIT

Programming language: Python

Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (2) (February 2014) 651–660

Does the new version supersede the previous version?: Yes

Reasons for the new version: The toolbox has been ported from MATLAB (MathWorks Inc.) to Python and is based exclusively on free and open-source components. Moreover, new features have been added that allow for a broader applicability of the toolbox.

Summary of revisions: Porting to Python.

Introduction of amorphous layers in the sample structures.

Add magnetization property to atoms and layers.

Multilayer formalism to calculate laser absorption.

New magnetization class to allow for user-defined magnetization dynamics.

New resonant magnetic X-ray scattering employing dynamical X-ray theory.

Calculation of X-ray scattering as function of photon energy and scattering vector.

Nature of problem: Simulate the thermal, structural, and magnetic dynamics of 1D layered sample structures due to an ultrafast laser excitation and compute the corresponding transient (magnetic) X-ray scattering response.

Solution method: The program provides an object-oriented toolbox for building arbitrary layered 1D crystalline/amorphous sample structures including a rich database of element-specific parameters. The excitation, thermal transport, and lattice dynamics are simulated utilizing SciPy's ODE solver. Magnetization dynamics can be introduced by the user employing a magnetization interface class. The dynamical (magnetic) X-ray scattering is computed by a matrix formalism that can be parallelized.

Additional comments including restrictions and unusual features: The program is restricted to 1D layered sample structures. Phonon dynamics only include longitudinal acoustic phonons (sound waves). Magnetization dynamics have to be defined by the user. X-ray scattering only allows for symmetrical and co-planar geometries due to the 1D nature of the toolbox. The program is highly modular and allows the inclusion of user-defined inputs at any time of the simulation procedure.


udkm1Dsim –一个Python工具箱,用于模拟凝聚态中的一维超快速动力学



程式名称: udkm1Dsim

CPC库链接到程序文件: https : //doi.org/10.17632/bnzw823v6y.1

开发人员的资料库链接: https : //github.com/dschick/udkm1Dsim

Code Ocean太空舱: https : //codeocean.com/capsule/8131941


编程语言: Python

先前版本的期刊参考:计算。物理 公社 185(2)(2014年2月)651–660


使用新版本的原因:该工具箱已从MATLAB(MathWorks Inc.)移植到Python,并且完全基于免费和开源组件。此外,添加了新功能,可以使工具箱具有更广泛的适用性。










