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Application of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabrics to determine the kinematics of active tectonics: examples from the Betic Cordillera, Spain, and the Northern Apennines, Italy
Solid Earth ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-19 , DOI: 10.5194/se-12-1125-2021
David J. Anastasio , Frank J. Pazzaglia , Josep M. Parés , Kenneth P. Kodama , Claudio Berti , James A. Fisher , Alessandro Montanari , Lorraine K. Carnes

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique provides an effective way to measure fabrics and, in the process, interpret the kinematics of actively deforming orogens. We collected rock fabric data of alluvial fan sediments surrounding the Sierra Nevada massif, Spain, and a broader range of Cenozoic sediments and rocks across the Northern Apennine foreland, Italy, to explore the deformation fabrics that contribute to the ongoing discussions of orogenic kinematics. The Sierra Nevada is a regional massif in the hinterland of the Betic Cordillera. We recovered nearly identical kinematics regardless of specimen magnetic mineralogy, structural position, crustal depth, or time. The principal elongation axes are NE–SW in agreement with mineral lineations, regional GPS geodesy, and seismicity results. The axes trends are consistent with the convergence history of the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary. In Italy, we measured AMS fabrics of specimens collected along a NE–SW corridor spanning the transition from crustal shortening to extension in the Northern Apennines. Samples have AMS fabrics compatible only with shortening in the Apennine wedge and have locked in penetrative contractional fabrics, even for those samples that were translated into the actively extending domain. In both regions, we found that specimens have a low degree of anisotropy and oblate susceptibility ellipsoids that are consistent with tectonic deformation superposed on compaction fabrics. Collectively, these studies demonstrate the novel ways that AMS can be combined with structural, seismic, and GPS geodetic data to resolve orogenic kinematics in space and time.



磁化率各向异性(AMS)技术提供了一种有效的方法来测量织物,并在此过程中解释了主动变形造山带的运动学。我们收集了西班牙内华达山脉地块周围冲积扇沉积物的岩石织物数据,以及意大利北部亚平宁前陆的更广泛的新生代沉积物和岩石,以探索有助于正在进行的造山运动学讨论的变形织物。内华达山脉是Betic Cordillera腹地的区域性地块。无论样品磁性矿物学,结构位置,地壳深度或时间如何,我们都恢复了几乎相同的运动学。主要的延伸轴是NE–SW,与矿物线,区域GPS大地测量和地震结果一致。轴的趋势与非洲-欧亚大陆板块边界的收敛历史一致。在意大利,我们测量了从NE-SW走廊收集的标本的AMS织物,该走廊跨越了北亚平宁山脉从地壳缩短到延伸的过渡。样品的AMS织物仅能与Apennine楔中的缩短物相容,并锁定在渗透性收缩织物中,即使对于那些已转变为主动延伸域的样品也是如此。在这两个区域中,我们发现标本具有较低的各向异性和扁率的易感椭球体,这些椭圆体与压实织物上叠加的构造变形相一致。这些研究共同证明了AMS可以与结构,地震和GPS大地测量数据相结合以解决时空造山运动学的新颖方法。