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Convergences and divergences of a Bourdieusian and occupation-based approach to social class: evidence from Croatia
European Societies ( IF 5.512 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2021.1922929
Karin Doolan 1 , Željka Tonković 1


This article juxtaposes a Bourdieusian and an occupation-based approach to social class in order to explore how they converge or diverge when it comes to empirically identifying high-level class groups and exploring the relationship between ‘objective’ class position and class self-identification in Croatia. The data for this study comes from a survey conducted in 2017 on a nationally representative sample of adult citizens living in Croatia. Contrary to authors who focus on the tensions between the two approaches to class analysis, we highlight how class analysis focusing on occupation and a Bourdieusian approach focusing on capitals align when it comes to identifying the ‘big picture’ of class in Croatian society. Both point to an unequal society with a small dominant class at the top and the majority at the bottom of the social class hierarchy. Although our findings show a middle-class identity bias, there is also overlap between ‘objective’ class location and class self-identification, irrespective of the class approach one takes. However, when it comes to obtaining a more nuanced portrayal of social class differences, a Bourdieusian perspective identifies an underclass which largely consists of the elderly members of Croatian society, with only primary education and insufficient state pensions, living in rural areas, who struggle to make ends meet. The majority of this most vulnerable group are women.




本文将布迪厄主义和基于职业的社会阶级方法并置,以探讨在经验性地识别高级阶级群体以及探索“客观”阶级地位与阶级自我认同之间的关系时,它们如何趋同或发散。克罗地亚。本研究的数据来自 2017 年对居住在克罗地亚的具有全国代表性的成年公民样本进行的一项调查。与关注两种阶级分析方法之间的紧张关系的作者相反,我们强调了在确定克罗地亚社会阶级的“大局”时,专注于职业的阶级分析和专注于资本的布迪厄斯方法是如何一致的。两者都指向一个不平等的社会,在社会阶层等级制度的顶部有一个小的主导阶级,而大多数在社会阶级的底部。尽管我们的研究结果显示了中产阶级的身份偏见,但无论人们采用何种阶级方法,“客观”阶级定位和阶级自我认同之间也存在重叠。然而,当谈到对社会阶级差异的更细致描绘时,布迪厄斯的观点确定了一个下层阶级,主要由克罗地亚社会的老年成员组成,只有初级教育和国家养老金不足,生活在农村地区,他们努力入不敷出。这个最脆弱的群体中的大多数是女性。Bourdieusian 的观点确定了一个下层阶级,主要由克罗地亚社会的老年成员组成,他们只接受过初级教育,国家养老金不足,生活在农村地区,努力维持生计。这个最脆弱的群体中的大多数是女性。Bourdieusian 的观点确定了一个下层阶级,主要由克罗地亚社会的老年成员组成,只有初级教育和国家养老金不足,生活在农村地区,他们努力维持生计。这个最脆弱的群体中的大多数是女性。
