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Evidence for the additive effects of dispositional negative mood regulation expectancies and placebo-induced expectancies on mood recovery
Journal of Personality ( IF 5.429 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12646
Veronika S Bailey 1 , Christina M Brown 2

Low negative mood regulation expectancies (NMRE) are associated with greater anticipated and experienced negative mood states, as well as with coping strategies that prolong these states. Individuals with low NMRE may be especially responsive to placebos because confidence in an external source of mood improvement can provide the positive mood expectancies and motivation for active coping that they typically lack. This study investigated how NMRE and placebo-induced expectancies contribute to mood recovery.



较低的负面情绪调节预期 (NMRE) 与更大的预期和经历的负面情绪状态以及延长这些状态的应对策略有关。NMRE 低的人可能对安慰剂特别敏感,因为对情绪改善的外部来源的信心可以提供他们通常缺乏的积极情绪预期和积极应对的动力。本研究调查了 NMRE 和安慰剂诱导的预期如何促进情绪恢复。