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Diversity and origins of Butomus umbellatus (flowering rush) invasion in North America
Aquatic Botany ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2021.103400
John F. Gaskin , Jennifer Andreas , Brenda J. Grewell , Patrick Haefliger , Nathan E. Harms

Flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus) is an invasive aquatic plant in northern USA and southern Canada. To better understand the pattern of invasion in North America and implications for management, we investigated genetic diversity and population structure of the more recent western North American invasion and compared it to the earlier eastern North America invasion using 80 variable AFLP loci. We found six invasive genotypes, indicating multiple founding events, with primarily monotypic populations indicating clonal reproduction. The genetic makeup and ploidy of the western North America populations is distinct from the earlier eastern North American invasion, with different genotypes and ploidy levels dominating different regions. Flowering rush is under consideration for classical biological control, and initial studies show that some genotypes are resistant or tolerant to a proposed plant pathogen. To inform biological control development and direct foreign exploration, we compared genetic data with Eurasian native samples and found an exact genetic match for the common western North American genotype in the Netherlands, and propose best estimates of origins for the other invasive genotypes. The different genetic makeup of the invasion at regional scales, and their differing phenotypes in terms of reproductive mode and susceptibility to highly host-specific biological control supports the investigation of specialized management programs for different portions of the North American invasion.


北美Butomus umbellatus(开花高峰)入侵的多样性和起源

开花高峰(Butomus umbellatus)是美国北部和加拿大南部的一种入侵性水生植物。为了更好地了解北美的入侵模式及其对管理的影响,我们调查了北美洲西部最近入侵的遗传多样性和种群结构,并使用80个可变AFLP基因座将其与北美洲东部早期入侵进行了比较。我们发现了六种侵入性基因型,表明发生了多个创始事件,主要为单型种群,表明其克隆繁殖。北美西部人群的遗传组成和倍性与较早的北美东部入侵不同,不同的基因型和倍性水平主导着不同地区。正在考虑将开花期用于经典生物防治,初步研究表明,某些基因型对拟议的植物病原体具有抗性或耐受性。为了指导生物控制的发展和直接的国外勘探,我们将遗传数据与欧亚本地样本进行了比较,发现了荷兰北部常见的北美北美基因型的确切遗传匹配,并提出了其他侵入性基因型的最佳来源估计。入侵在区域规模上的不同遗传构成,以及在繁殖方式和对高度宿主特异性生物控制的敏感性方面不同的表型,支持对北美入侵的不同部分进行专门管理计划的研究。我们将遗传数据与欧亚本地样本进行了比较,发现了荷兰北部常见的北美北美基因型的确切遗传匹配,并提出了其他侵入性基因型起源的最佳估计。入侵在区域规模上的不同遗传构成,以及在繁殖方式和对高度宿主特异性生物控制的敏感性方面不同的表型,支持对北美入侵的不同部分进行专门管理计划的研究。我们将遗传数据与欧亚本地样本进行了比较,发现了荷兰北部常见的北美北美基因型的确切遗传匹配,并提出了其他侵入性基因型起源的最佳估计。入侵在区域尺度上的不同遗传构成,以及在繁殖方式和对高度宿主特异性生物控制的敏感性方面不同的表型,支持对北美入侵的不同部分进行专门管理计划的研究。
