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Integrating transit data and travel time into food security analysis: A case study of San Diego, California
Applied Geography ( IF 4.732 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102461
Madison R.E. Swayne , Bryce C. Lowery

Research suggests an important role for planners and policymakers in enhancing neighborhood access to healthy food. Spatial analysis is often used to explore relationships between proximity to sources of food and health outcomes such as food security and risk for diet-related disease. Spatial models often account for proximity based on walking distance or automobile but advancements in geospatial technologies now allow for estimates of access by transit as well as travel time to understand neighborhood level food security. One approach for addressing this gap is to employ real-time travel estimates over transit and road networks to more precisely measure food access. In this paper, we compare the Google Distance Matrix API calculating both the distance and time between origins and destinations, with other spatial approaches to understanding grocery store and full-service supermarket access in this case study of San Diego, California. Results suggest that distances between residents and food outlets are constant across modes of transport but travel times are highly differentiated by mode. Trips to stores by transit are on average, three times longer than trips by car. This paper offers a new understanding of the potential for incongruence between spatial proximity and true accessibility in the built environment.



研究表明,规划人员和政策制定者在增加邻里获得健康食品方面可以发挥重要作用。空间分析通常用于探索接近食物来源与健康结果(例如粮食安全和饮食相关疾病的风险)之间的关系。空间模型通常根据步行距离或汽车来考虑邻近程度,但是地理空间技术的进步现在可以估算出公交的出行以及出行时间,以了解邻里一级的食品安全性。解决这一差距的一种方法是在公交和道路网络上采用实时旅行估算,以更精确地衡量食物获取量。在本文中,我们比较了Google Distance Matrix API,它计算了起点和终点之间的距离和时间,在加利福尼亚圣迭戈的案例研究中,通过其他空间方法来了解杂货店和全方位服务的超级市场。结果表明,居民和食品出口之间的距离在各种运输方式中是恒定的,但出行时间因运输方式而有很大差异。平均而言,乘公交去商店的行程比乘汽车旅行的时间长三倍。本文提供了对在建筑环境中空间接近性与真正可及性之间不一致的潜在潜力的新认识。
