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Mountains of doom and mountains of salvation: topographies of conflict in the early medieval Latin chronicles of Iberia
Journal of Medieval History Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1080/03044181.2021.1926666
Hélène Sirantoine 1


Early Latin chronicles of Iberia repeatedly situate bellicose encounters between Christians and Muslims in one specific topographical environment: the mountain. This paper examines the Mozarabic Chronicle (mid eighth century) and two Asturian narratives known as the Chronicle of Albelda (late ninth century) and Chronicle of Alfonso III (early tenth century). In the former, mountainous terrain constitutes the backdrop for successive encounters (the Islamic invasion and Battle of Guadalete, and the Christians’ attempts at resistance and first successes) and are associated with ambivalent sentiments of despair, uncertainty and hope. In the latter, the mountain is where the foundational act of the Battle of Covadonga occurs, a univocal place of victory for the Christians. Such a change of attitude towards the mountain and its narrative and symbolic potential accompanies a historiographical evolution in which we recognise the birth of the ideology of Reconquest as an interpretive framework for the Christian–Muslim conflict in Iberia.




伊比利亚的早期拉丁编年史反复将基督徒和穆斯林之间的交战置于一个特定的地形环境中:山脉。本文考察了莫扎拉比编年史(八世纪中叶)和两个阿斯图里亚斯叙事,即阿尔贝尔达编年史(九世纪后期)和阿方索三世编年史(十世纪初)。在前者中,山区构成了连续遭遇(伊斯兰入侵和瓜达莱特战役,以及基督徒的抵抗和初步成功的尝试)的背景,并与绝望、不确定和希望的矛盾情绪相关联。在后者中,这座山是科瓦东加战役的基础活动发生地,是基督徒唯一胜利的地方。这种对这座山及其叙事和象征潜力的态度转变伴随着历史编纂学的演变,在这种演变中,我们承认重新征服意识形态的诞生是伊比利亚基督教 - 穆斯林冲突的解释框架。
