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When Crises Hit Home: How U.S. Higher Education Leaders Navigate Values During Uncertain Times
Journal of Business Ethics ( IF 6.331 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10551-021-04820-5
Brooke Fisher Liu 1 , Duli Shi 1 , JungKyu Rhys Lim 1 , Khairul Islam 2 , America L Edwards 3 , Matthew Seeger 2

Against the backdrop of a global pandemic, this study investigates how U.S. higher education leaders have centered their crisis management on values and guiding ethical principles. We conducted 55 in-depth interviews with leaders from 30 U.S. higher education institutions, with most leaders participating in two interviews. We found that crisis plans created prior to the COVID-19 pandemic were inadequate due to the long duration and highly uncertain nature of the crisis. Instead, higher education leaders applied guiding principles on the fly to support their decision-making. If colleges and universities infuse shared values into their future crisis plans, they will not have to develop a moral compass on the fly for the next pandemic. This paper suggests the following somewhat universal shared values: (1) engage in accuracy, transparency, and accountability; (2) foster deliberative dialog; (3) prioritize safety; (4) support justice, fairness, and equity; and (5) engage in an ethic of care. To navigate ethics tensions, leaders need to possess crisis-relevant expertise or ensure that such expertise is present among crisis management team members. Standing up formal ethics committees composed of diverse stakeholders also is instrumental in navigating tensions inherent in crises. The next pandemic is already on the horizon according to experts. Through infusing values into future crisis plans, higher education leaders can be confident that their responses will be grounded in their communities’ shared values.



在全球大流行的背景下,本研究调查了美国高等教育领导者如何将危机管理集中在价值观和指导道德原则上。我们对来自 30 所美国高等教育机构的领导进行了 55 次深度访谈,大多数领导参加了两次访谈。我们发现,由于危机持续时间长且具有高度不确定性,在 COVID-19 大流行之前制定的危机计划是不充分的。相反,高等教育领导者会即时应用指导原则来支持他们的决策。如果高校将共同的价值观融入他们未来的危机计划中,他们将不必为下一次大流行制定道德指南针。本文提出了以下一些普遍的共同价值观:(1) 参与准确性、透明度、和问责制;(2) 促进协商对话;(3) 优先安全;(四)支持公正、公平、公正;(5) 从事关怀伦理。为了应对道德紧张局势,领导者需要拥有与危机相关的专业知识,或确保危机管理团队成员具备此类专业知识。建立由不同利益相关者组成的正式道德委员会也有助于解决危机中固有的紧张局势。据专家称,下一次大流行已经迫在眉睫。通过将价值观融入未来的危机计划,高等教育领导者可以确信他们的反应将基于他们社区的共同价值观。领导者需要拥有与危机相关的专业知识,或确保危机管理团队成员具备此类专业知识。建立由不同利益相关者组成的正式道德委员会也有助于解决危机中固有的紧张局势。据专家称,下一次大流行已经迫在眉睫。通过将价值观融入未来的危机计划,高等教育领导者可以确信他们的反应将基于他们社区的共同价值观。领导者需要拥有与危机相关的专业知识,或确保危机管理团队成员具备此类专业知识。建立由不同利益相关者组成的正式道德委员会也有助于解决危机中固有的紧张局势。据专家称,下一次大流行已经迫在眉睫。通过将价值观融入未来的危机计划,高等教育领导者可以确信他们的反应将基于他们社区的共同价值观。
