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Southern History in Periodicals, 2020: A Selected Bibliography
Journal of Southern History Pub Date : 2021-05-13

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Southern History in Periodicals, 2020:A Selected Bibliography

This classified bibliography includes most scholarly articles in the field of southern history published in periodicals in 2020, except for descriptive or genealogical writings of primary interest to a restricted group of readers. If an article was published in a year other than 2020, the appropriate year is marked with a bracketed notation. Entries under each heading are arranged alphabetically by author.


Forum: Reflections on the 400th Anniversary of 1619 [featuring Jason Young, Gloria J. Browne-Marshall, Peniel Joseph, and Brenda E. Stevenson]. Jour. Af. Am. Hist., v. 105, Fall, 648–93.

Google Scholar

Ainsworth, Kyle. Field Hands, Cowboys, and Runaways: Enslaved People on Horseback in Texas's Planter-Herder Economy, 1835–1865. Jour. Sou. Hist., v. 86, Aug., 557–600.

Google Scholar

Allen, Douglas L. Black Geographies of Respite: Relief, Recuperation, and Resonance at Florida A&M University. Antipode, v. 52, Nov., 1563–82.

Google Scholar

Alridge, Derrick P. Teachers in the Movement: Pedagogy, Activism, and Freedom. Hist. Educ. Quar., v. 60, Feb., 1–23.

Google Scholar

Arnesen, Eric. On Zora Neale Hurston's Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" [intro. to forum featuring Darryl Pinckney, Catherine A. Stewart, Jason R. Young, and Thavolia Glymph]. Labor: Stud. Working-Class Hist., v. 17, Sept., 91–92.

Google Scholar

Avilez, Gershun. Vanishing Acts: Civil Rights Reform and Dramatic Inversion in Douglas Turner Ward's Day of Absence. Study the South, Sept., online only.

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Bardes, John K. The Notorious Bras Coupé: A Slave Rebellion Replayed in Memory, History, and Anxiety. Am. Quar., v. 72, Mar., 1–23.

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Boisseau, Tracey Jean. Coming of Age with Anne Moody: Looking Within and Without for the Origins of Black Women's Activism in the Civil Rights Movement. Meridians, v. 19, Apr., 32–64.

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Brown, Haley. The Lynching of Mary Jackson in Harrison County, Texas, 1912. Southwestern Hist. Quar., v. 124, Oct., 182–200.

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Bruwelheide, Karin S., et al. Restoring Identity to People and Place: Reanalysis of Human Skeletal Remains from a Cemetery at Catoctin Furnace, Maryland. Hist. Archaeology, v. 54, Mar., 110–37.

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Bullock, Charles S., et al. The Election of African American State Legislators in the Modern South. Legis. Stud. Quar., v. 45, Nov., 529–670.

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Carmody, Todd. Rehearsing for Reconstruction: The Archipelagic Afterlives of the Port Royal Experiment. Am. Lit., v. 92, June, 281–307.

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Chiles, Marvin. "Down Where the South Begins": Black Richmond Activism before the Modern Civil Rights Movement, 1899–1930. Jour. Af. Am. Hist., v. 105, Winter, 56–82.

Google Scholar

———. "Tough on Conduct": Punitive Leadership in Urban Public Schools, a Case Study of Angry Principal Dr. Roy A. West, 1986–1991. Spectrum, v. 8, Fall, 55–85.

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Chinn, Sarah E. Enslavement and the Temporality of Childhood. Am. Lit., v. 92, Mar., 33–59.

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Clark, Emily Suzanne. Nineteenth-Century New Orleans Voudou: An American Religion. Am. Rel., v. 2, Fall, 131–55.

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Council, Ashley. Ringing Liberty's Bell: African American Women, Gender, and the Underground Railroad in Philadelphia. Pa. Hist., v. 87, Summer, 494–531.

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Cx, Courtland, et al. Building and Transferring Movement Informational Wealth: The SNCC Digital Gateway. Jour. Af. Am. Hist., v. 105, Fall, 626–47.

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Craemer, Thomas, et al. Wealth Implications of Slavery and Racial Discrimination for African American Descendants of the Enslaved. Rev. Black Pol. Econ., v. 47, Sept., 218–54.

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Crofts, Daniel W. Ending Slavery and Limiting Democracy: Sidney George Fisher and the American Civil War. Pa. Mag. Hist. Biog., v. 144, Jan., 29–59.

Google Scholar

Daugherity, Brian J., and Alyce Miller. "A New Era in Building": African American Educational Activism in Goochland County, Virginia, 1911–32. Va. Mag. Hist. Biog., v. 128, no. 1, pp. 44–85.

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Davidson, James M. Black and White Beads in the African Diaspora. Hist. Archaeology, v...




  • 2020年南方期刊历史:精选书目



论坛:对1619年400周年的反思[以杰森·扬,格洛丽亚·布朗·马歇尔,彭尼尔·约瑟夫和布伦达·史蒂文森为特色]。周杰伦 阿夫 是。历史,第105页,秋季,648-93年。


一个insworth,K YLE。田野之手,牛仔和逃亡者:1835年至1865年,得克萨斯州的普兰德—赫德经济中的马背上被奴役的人们。周杰伦 ou Hist。,第86节,8月,557-600。


艾伦·道格拉斯·莱克(A len,D ouglas L.)喘息的布莱克地理:佛罗里达农工大学的救济,休养与共鸣。Antipode,诉52号,1563-82年11月。


里克·德里克·P·里里斯Perrick P.):运动中的教师:教育学,行动主义和自由。历史。教育。Quar。,v。60,2月,1-23。


一个rnesen,E RIC。在Zora Neale Hurston的Barracoon:最后的“黑货”的故事中[intro。出席以Darryl Pinckney,Catherine A. Stewart,Jason R. Young和Thavolia Glymph为主题的论坛]。劳动:梭哈。工人阶级历史,第17卷,9月,91-92年。


vilez,G ershun。消失的行为:道格拉斯·特纳·沃德(Douglas Turner Ward)缺席日的民权改革和戏剧性倒置仅在网上研究9月的南方


ardes,J OHN K.臭名昭著的文胸双门轿跑车:从属乱重播在记忆,历史,和焦虑。是。Quar。,v。72,Mar。,1-23。


瓦索,T racey Ĵ EAN。安妮·穆迪(Anne Moody)的时代来临:民权运动中黑人妇女行动主义的内在与外在寻找。经络,v。19,4月,32-64。


rown,H阿莱。摄于1912年,德克萨斯州哈里森县的玛丽·杰克逊(Mary Jackson)。西南历史。Quar。,v。124,十月,182–200。


B ruwelheide,K arin S.,等。恢复人和地方的身份:对马里兰州卡特金熔炉公墓的人类骨骼遗骸进行重新分析。历史。考古学,第54卷,3月,第110-37页。


ullock,C harles S.,等人。现代南方非裔美国州议员的选举。立法机关 梭哈。Quar。,v。45,11月,529-670。




Ç海尔斯,男艾尔文。“南方开始的地方”:现代民权运动之前的黑人里士满激进主义,1899年至1930年。周杰伦 阿夫 是。Hist。,第1​​05页,温特,56-82岁。


———。“坚守行为准则”:城市公立学校的惩罚性领导,以愤怒的校长Roy A. West博士为例,1986年至1991年。频谱,第8卷,秋季,55-85。


C hinn,S arah E.奴役与童年时代。是。点亮,诉92,3月份,33-59。


Ç云雀,E家人在一起Ş uzanne。19世纪的新奥尔良Voudou:美国宗教。是。相对,第2节,秋季,131-55。


Ç ouncil,A shley。敲响自由钟:非洲裔美国妇女,性别和费城地下铁路。宾夕法尼亚州嘘,诉87,夏,494-531。


C xCourtland等。建立和转移运动信息财富:SNCC数字网关。周杰伦 阿夫 是。历史,第105页,秋季,626-47。


Ç raemer,T homas,等。奴隶制和后裔对奴隶制和种族歧视的财富影响。牧师 Econ。,第47节,9月,218-54。


Ç rofts,d ANIEL W.结束奴隶制和限制民主:悉尼乔治·费舍尔和美国内战。Pa.Mag。历史。Biog。,第1​​44页,1月29-59日。


d augherity,B RIAN J.,和阿尔斯·米勒。“建筑的新纪元”:1911–32年,弗吉尼亚州古奇兰县的非洲裔美国人教育行动主义。弗吉尼亚州 历史。Biog。,第1​​28节,否。1,第44-85页。


戴维森(D avidson)阿米(J ames M.)历史。考古学,V ...
