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Mobility and ceramic paste choice: Petrographic analysis of prehistoric pottery from northeastern Colorado
Plains Anthropologist Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1080/00320447.2021.1919956
Mary F. Ownby 1 , Jason M. LaBelle 2 , Halston Pelton 3

Pre-contact Native American sites in northeastern Colorado typically yield only a few sherds per site (if present), thus little information is known regarding ceramic manufacture by highly mobile groups in this area. Over the past fifty years, systematic archaeological research in Larimer County has generated a large sample of pottery for detailed study. Petrographic analysis of forty samples from ten sites on the low hills of the Front Range indicates a preference for non-local granitic raw materials. Group mobility clearly played a role in where pottery was made (western foothills) as opposed to where it is used (Colorado Piedmont). There are slight differences in paste and temper from the Early Ceramic (AD 150–1150) to the Late Ceramic periods (AD 1540–1860) that could reflect varying approaches to ceramic production as related to preferred source materials. The results suggest the pottery was made on a limited scale and likely for cooking.



科罗拉多州东北部的预接触美洲原住民遗址通常每个遗址(如果有)只能产出少量碎片,因此对于该地区高度流动的群体的陶瓷制造知之甚少。在过去的五十年里,拉里默县的系统考古研究产生了大量可供详细研究的陶器样本。对来自 Front Range 低山丘上 10 个地点的 40 个样品的岩相分析表明,偏爱非本地花岗岩原材料。与陶器的使用地(科罗拉多山麓)相反,群体流动显然在陶器的制造地(西部山麓)中发挥了作用。从早期陶瓷(公元 150-1150 年)到晚期陶瓷时期(公元 1540-1860 年),膏体和回火略有不同,这可能反映了与首选原材料相关的陶瓷生产方法的不同。结果表明,这些陶器的制作规模有限,可能用于烹饪。
