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Sediment from lake with missing egg bank is toxic to hatchlings of model zooplankton: A reason to consider obligate dormancy in toxicological assessment.
Aquatic Toxicology ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2021.105862
Lauren N Patterson 1 , Dylan M Paulson 1 , Vincent J Colucciello 1 , Joseph A Covi 1

Over the last 60 years, valuable progress was made in the standardization of environmental monitoring with model zooplankton. However, obligate dormancy in zooplankton life cycles is not yet considered in standardized toxicology methods. Most zooplankton from coastal and inland waters use dormancy as a critical ecological strategy, and exposure to toxicants during dormancy or resurrection from dormancy alters developmental patterning and hatching success. The present study accounts for this by using both standardized and novel toxicology assays to assess the impacts of coal ash contaminated sediments and water on development, hatching, and survivorship of model zooplankton. The results demonstrate that standardized assays with rotifer and cladoceran models detect no toxicity in surface water and sediment pore water from Lake Sutton, North Carolina, USA. By contrast, novel toxicity assays with cladoceran and anostracan models demonstrate that development and larval survivorship are negatively impacted by Lake Sutton water and sediment. Embryos of Artemia franciscana display developmental patterning and hatching aberrations that match those observed in previous studies with metals when hatched in filtered surface water or pore water after a period of anoxia-induced dormancy. Larval survivorship in Daphnia magna and A. franciscana also decreases when post-diapause embryos are hatched in the presence of sediment. The effects of whole sediment on larval survivorship are not explained by coal ash impacts on water pH. These data provide an explanation for the missing egg bank and historic community restructure in Lake Sutton. The data also demonstrate a need for standardized assays that include dormant life stages.



在过去的60年中,浮游动物模型在环境监测标准化方面取得了重要进展。但是,在标准化的毒理学方法中尚未考虑浮游动物生命周期中的专性休眠。沿海和内陆水域的大多数浮游动物都将休眠作为关键的生态策略,休眠期间或休眠后复活期间接触毒物会改变发育方式和孵化成功。本研究通过使用标准化和新颖的毒理学分析方法来评估这一点,以评估粉煤灰污染的沉积物和水对浮游动物模型的发育,孵化和存活的影响。结果表明,使用轮虫和枝角类动物模型进行的标准化分析未检测到北卡罗来纳州萨顿湖的地表水和沉积物孔隙水中的毒性。美国。相比之下,使用cladceran和anostracan模型进行的新型毒性试验表明,萨顿湖的水和沉积物对发育和幼体的存活产生了负面影响。的胚胎在一段时间的缺氧诱导的休眠后,当在过滤的地表水或孔隙水中孵化时,卤虫杀菌剂Franciscana显示出与以前的研究中观察到的金属相匹配的发育模式和孵化像差。当滞育后的胚胎在有沉积物存在的情况下孵化时,大型蚤(Daphnia magna)和非洲曲霉A. franciscana)的幼虫存活率也会降低。煤灰对水pH值的影响不能解释整个沉积物对幼虫存活的影响。这些数据为萨顿湖缺少卵库和历史悠久的社区重建提供了解释。数据还证明了对包括休眠生命阶段的标准化测定的需求。
