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Trust in Government and Social Isolation during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Brazil
International Journal of Public Administration Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2021.1920611
Clayton Robson Moreira da Silva 1 , Cíntia Vanessa Monteiro Germano Aquino 2 , Laís Vieira Castro Oliveira 3 , Eveline Pinheiro Beserra 4 , Cláudia Buhamra Abreu Romero 5


Government actions can help to convince populations to participate in the resolution of collective problems. However, in order for citizens to feel motivated to contribute to managing a public health problem, it is necessary to develop a relationship based on trust. Therefore, this study analyzes the effect of trust in government on the behaviour of citizens related to the adoption of social isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic, through a survey with 1,154 citizens from the state of Ceará in northeastern Brazil. Additionally, the factors which are associated with the adoption of social isolation and trust in government were verified. The results showed that trust in government positively affects citizens’ behavior related to social isolation, suggesting that the bond between government and society, developed through citizens’ trust in government, contributes to more effective combatting of Covid-19. In addition, it was identified that gender, education, and occupation are associated with the adoption of social isolation and trust in government. Place of residence and income are associated only with the adoption of social isolation. Finally, it was verified that people who live with someone in the high-risk group for Covid-19 tend to comply with social isolation more strictly and trust the government more. In contrast, people who tested positive or presented symptoms of the disease comply with social isolation less effectively and trust the government less.


Covid-19 大流行期间对政府和社会隔离的信任:来自巴西的证据


政府行动有助于说服民众参与集体问题的解决。然而,为了让公民有动力为管理公共卫生问题做出贡献,有必要建立基于信任的关系。因此,本研究通过对巴西东北部塞阿拉州 1,154 名公民的调查,分析了对政府的信任对在 Covid-19 大流行期间采取社会隔离相关的公民行为的影响。此外,还验证了与采用社会隔离和对政府的信任相关的因素。结果表明,对政府的信任对公民与社会孤立相关的行为产生积极影响,表明政府与社会之间的纽带是通过公民对政府的信任而发展起来的,有助于更有效地对抗 Covid-19。此外,还确定性别、教育和职业与社会隔离和对政府的信任有关。居住地和收入仅与社会隔离的采用有关。最后,经证实,与 Covid-19 高危人群住在一起的人往往更严格地遵守社会隔离规定,也更信任政府。相比之下,检测呈阳性或出现疾病症状的人对社会隔离的遵守效率较低,对政府的信任程度较低。居住地和收入仅与社会隔离的采用有关。最后,经证实,与 Covid-19 高危人群住在一起的人往往更严格地遵守社会隔离规定,也更信任政府。相比之下,检测呈阳性或出现疾病症状的人对社会隔离的遵守效率较低,对政府的信任程度较低。居住地和收入仅与社会隔离的采用有关。最后,经证实,与 Covid-19 高危人群住在一起的人往往更严格地遵守社会隔离规定,也更信任政府。相比之下,检测呈阳性或出现疾病症状的人对社会隔离的遵守效率较低,对政府的信任程度较低。
