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Indexicals and essential demonstrations
Semiotica ( IF 0.475 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1515/sem-2021-0008
Carlo Penco 1

In this paper, I discuss some of Maximilian de Gaynesford’s arguments regarding indexicals. Although I agree with his treatment of the first singular personal pronoun as a prototype of demonstrative expressions, I challenge his refusal to treat indexicals as complex demonstratives. To offer an alternative to this refusal I try to develop a common ground from different theories that consider indexicals as linguistic constructions that embed a nonlinguistic element, following an original idea in Frege’s latest writings. These views form the backdrop on which we can put forward the claim of treating all indexicals as complex demonstratives. In the central part of the paper, I criticize each of de Gaynesford’s arguments against the reduction of indexicals to complex demonstratives. Besides, I propose a new definition of the concept of “demonstration” as a nonlinguistic feature of all indexicals in their referential uses, to contrast de Gaynesford’s rejection of the idea that demonstrations are an essential feature of indexicals. Eventually, I strengthen my claim by distinguishing indexicals from proper names and definite descriptions on the ground that only perceptual indexicals necessarily require an accompanying demonstration. However, the main point of the paper is a negative one, that is the rejection of de Gaynesford’s arguments against the reduction of indexicals to complex demonstratives. More work is needed to reach a positive conclusion on this topic.



在本文中,我将讨论马克西米利安·德·盖恩斯福德(Maximilian de Gaynesford)关于索引词的一些论点。尽管我同意他将第一个奇数人称代词作为指示性表达的原型的说法,但我对他拒绝将索引词视为复杂的指示性事物表示质疑。为了提供这种拒绝的替代方案,我尝试根据弗雷格(Frege)的最新著作中的原始思想,从不同的理论发展出共同点,这些理论将索引法视为嵌入非语言元素的语言结构。这些观点构成了我们可以提出将所有索引词视为复杂指示语的主张的背景。在本文的中心部分,我批评了盖恩斯福德(De Gaynesford)提出的每种反对将索引词简化为复杂指示词的论点。除了,我提出了“示范”概念的新定义,作为所有索引词在指称使用中的非语言特征,以对比盖恩斯福德(De Gaynesford)对论证是索引词必不可少的特征的观点的反对。最终,我将索引词与专有名词和明确的描述区分开来,以此来加强我的主张,理由是只有感知索引词才需要伴随证明。但是,本文的要点是负面的,即拒绝盖伊恩斯福德(de Gaynesford)反对将索引词简化为复杂指示词的论点。需要作出更多的努力才能在这个问题上取得积极的结论。与此形成鲜明对比的是盖恩斯福德(De Gaynesford)对示威是索引文学必不可少的特征这一观点的拒绝。最终,我将索引词与专有名词和明确的描述区分开来,以此来加强我的主张,理由是只有感知索引词才需要伴随证明。但是,本文的要点是负面的,即拒绝盖伊恩斯福德(de Gaynesford)反对将索引词简化为复杂指示词的论点。需要作出更多的努力才能在这个问题上取得积极的结论。与此形成鲜明对比的是盖恩斯福德(De Gaynesford)对示威是索引文学必不可少的特征这一观点的拒绝。最终,我将索引词与专有名词和明确的描述区分开来,以此来加强我的主张,理由是只有感知索引词才需要伴随证明。但是,本文的要点是负面的,即拒绝盖恩斯福德(De Gaynesford)反对将索引词简化为复杂指示词的论点。需要作出更多的努力才能在这个问题上取得积极的结论。那是拒绝盖恩斯福德(De Gaynesford)反对将索引词简化为复杂指示词的论点。需要作出更多的努力才能就该主题取得积极的结论。那是拒绝盖恩斯福德(De Gaynesford)反对将索引词简化为复杂指示词的论点。需要作出更多的努力才能在这个问题上取得积极的结论。