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Burnout and Depersonalization Among Correctional Officers in Security Compared to Criminal Prison
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s11896-021-09455-w
Orli Margi , Tova Rosenbloom

We compared burnout levels among correctional officers in a security prison as opposed to correctional officers in a criminal prison. Unlike criminal prisons, security prisons are typified by terrorist activity. The prisoners in the criminal prison have been sentenced to long periods due to severe criminal offenses, high criminal involvement, and many unusual offenses, while security prisons are occupied by prisoners sentenced for offences considered as posing a national security risk. We expected to find a difference in burnout levels between correctional officers who work in a security prison and those who work in a criminal prison. The study participants were 174 correctional officers in a criminal prison and in a security prison, as well as shift commanders and deputies. They were asked about their impression of the level of burnout among correctional officers in their shifts. The participants filled in an anonymous questionnaire which included demographic details and a questionnaire of burnout and depersonalization—the Maslach Burnout Inventory–General Survey (MBI-GS), developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981). We found that correctional officers in a criminal prison report higher emotional exhaustion and use higher depersonalization than correctional officers in a security prison. We try to explain this finding from the perspective of the existential approach.



我们比较了安全监狱中的惩教人员与刑事监狱中的惩教人员的倦怠程度。与刑事监狱不同,治安监狱以恐怖活动为代表。刑事监狱中的囚犯由于严重的刑事犯罪,高犯罪率和许多不寻常的罪行而被判处长期徒刑,而安全监狱被因犯有构成国家安全风险的罪行而被判刑的囚犯占用。我们希望发现在安全监狱工作的惩教人员与在刑事监狱工作的惩教人员之间的倦怠程度有所不同。研究参与者为刑事监狱和安全监狱中的174名惩教人员,以及值班指挥官和副手。他们被问及他们对班次中惩教人员倦怠程度的印象。参与者填写了一个匿名调查表,其中包括人口统计详细信息以及职业倦怠和人格解体调查表,这是Maslach和Jackson于1981年开发的Maslach职业倦怠量表-一般调查(MBI-GS)。我们发现,与安全监狱中的惩教人员相比,刑事监狱中的惩教人员的情绪疲惫程度更高,人格化程度更高。我们尝试从存在方法的角度解释这一发现。由Maslach and Jackson(1981)开发。我们发现,与安全监狱中的惩教人员相比,刑事监狱中的惩教人员的情绪疲惫程度更高,人格化程度更高。我们尝试从存在方法的角度解释这一发现。由Maslach and Jackson(1981)开发。我们发现,与安全监狱中的惩教人员相比,刑事监狱中的惩教人员的情绪疲惫程度更高,人格化程度更高。我们尝试从存在方法的角度解释这一发现。
