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Assessing soil fertility index based on remote sensing and gis techniques with field validation in a semiarid agricultural ecosystem
Journal of Arid Environments ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104525
Tülay Tunçay , Şeref Kılıç , Mert Dedeoğlu , Orhan Dengiz , Oğuz Başkan , İlhami Bayramin

Among the greatest challenges of the arid and semiarid regions is the need for more crop production to meet the increasing demand of the growing population. This study aimed to compare SFI classes with both yield values and vegetation index values derived from satellite images. A total of 281 soil samples were taken at a 1-km resolution in order to quantify the spatial dynamics of soil physical, chemical and fertility indicators. Of the study area, 40.0% had very high fertile and high fertile soils, while 26.7% of the area had moderately fertile soils. Only about one-third of the total area had low and very low fertility. These results were validated using a 3-year yield values belong to parcels, and vegetation index derived from Sentinel 2A images. A strong relationship of SFI with yield (r2 = 0.88) and RE-OSAVI (r2 = 0.83) was found. Therefore, we suggested that SFI can be used to determine the sufficiency potential of soils for plant growing and management according to sustainable principles in similar ecologies provided that similar sample size should used.



干旱和半干旱地区面临的最大挑战之一是需要增加作物产量,以满足不断增长的人口不断增长的需求。这项研究旨在将SFI类与从卫星图像得出的产量值和植被指数值进行比较。以1 km的分辨率采集了总共281个土壤样品,以量化土壤物理,化学和肥力指标的空间动态。在研究区域中,有40.0%的土壤具有非常高的肥沃性和高肥力,而该地区的26.7%的土壤具有中度肥沃的土壤。生育率只有极低的三分之一。使用属于包裹的3年产量值和根据Sentinel 2A图像得出的植被指数验证了这些结果。SFI与产量之间有很强的关系(r 2 = 0.88)和RE-OSAVI(r 2  = 0.83)。因此,我们建议根据相似生态学中的可持续原则,SFI可用于确定土壤对植物生长和管理的充足潜力,但前提是应使用相似的样本量。
