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Women Healing the Globe, Preserving the Tibetan Plateau
Feminist Theology Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1177/09667350211000603
Janice L. Poss 1

The Tibetan Plateau’s Permafrost is melting at an alarming rate. Six of the world’s major rivers are sourced in the Tibetan Himalayas that are warming at a faster rate than the rest of the earth. If the temperature of the region continues to increase, the rivers will dry up and the earth will warm at an even faster rate. Buddha Yeshe Tsogyal (ye shes mTsho rgyal) (757–817 CE), long considered the Mother of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, was the consort of Padmasambhava. She reached “complete liberation” or Nirvana in a single lifetime. Her stories are preserved in rman thar. Her life was an exemplary practice of compassion, responsible care, and non-violence toward all sentient beings and the world. Can we follow her proto-eco-feminist example? Can we build responsible care for our planet and humanity across disciplines and faith traditions? What does compassionate, non-violent Buddhist thought and Roman Catholic pastoral care bring to eco-feminism? Can an eco-feminist epistemology informed by Buddhist EcoDharma construct programs of sustainability into humanity’s excessive habits integrating science’s ability to quantify, with Buddha nature? Can Catholicism’s pastoral ability to show dependence on God, the peaceful, compassionate Creator of all allow us to see our dependence on God and our earth? Many women have already begun this work around the globe. In 2002, Rosemary Radford Ruether brought 16 women together from around the globe in Women Healing Earth: Third World Women on Ecology, Feminism, and Religion to tell us how they are doing it and succeeding. Each is highlighted here for their visions on how to heal the planet at the grassroots level. From their insights, this article explores their contributions as being still relevant today and adding new concerns about the dangers arising on the Tibetan Plateau. The article emphasizes their ideas, provides a warning and other ideas that collective activation might inspire to address climate change.



青藏高原的多年冻土正在以惊人的速度融化。世界上有六大主要河流来自喜马拉雅山,它们的变暖速度比地球其他地方快。如果该地区的温度继续升高,河流将干dry,地球将以更快的速度变暖。长期被认为是藏传密宗佛教之母的佛陀叶谢(Yeshe Tsogyal)(公元757–817年)是Padmasambhava的同伴。她一生中就达到了“完全解放”或涅磐。她的故事保存在rman thar中。她的生活是对所有众生和世界的同情心,负责任的关怀和非暴力行为的典范。我们能效法她的原始生态女性主义榜样吗?我们是否可以跨学科和信仰传统为我们的星球和人类建立负责任的关怀?富有同情心的,非暴力的佛教思想和罗马天主教的牧养给生态女性主义带来了什么?佛教EcoDharma提供的生态女性主义认识论能否将可持续性计划构建到人类过度的习惯中,从而将科学的量化能力与佛性相结合?天主教的牧养能力显示出对上帝的依赖,而上帝是所有人的和平,富有同情心的创造者,这使我们看到了对上帝和我们地球的依赖吗?许多妇女已经在全球范围内开始这项工作。2002年,罗斯玛丽·拉德福德·鲁瑟(Rosemary Radford Ruether)吸引了来自全球的16名妇女参加 非暴力的佛教思想和罗马天主教的牧养带来了生态女性主义吗?佛教EcoDharma提供的生态女性主义认识论能否将可持续性计划构建到人类过度的习惯中,从而将科学的量化能力与佛性相结合?天主教的牧养能力显示出对上帝的依赖,而上帝是所有人的和平,富有同情心的创造者,这使我们看到了对上帝和我们地球的依赖吗?许多妇女已经在全球范围内开始这项工作。2002年,罗斯玛丽·拉德福德·鲁瑟(Rosemary Radford Ruether)吸引了来自全球的16名妇女参加 非暴力的佛教思想和罗马天主教的牧养带来了生态女性主义吗?佛教EcoDharma提供的生态女性主义认识论能否将可持续性计划构建到人类过度的习惯中,从而将科学的量化能力与佛性相结合?天主教的牧养能力显示出对上帝的依赖,而上帝是所有人的和平,富有同情心的创造者,这使我们看到了对上帝和我们地球的依赖吗?许多妇女已经在全球范围内开始这项工作。2002年,罗斯玛丽·拉德福德·鲁瑟(Rosemary Radford Ruether)吸引了来自全球的16名妇女参加 富有同情心的创造者让我们看到了对上帝和我们地球的依赖?许多妇女已经在全球范围内开始这项工作。2002年,罗斯玛丽·拉德福德·鲁瑟(Rosemary Radford Ruether)在全球范围内召集了16名来自世界各地的妇女 富有同情心的创造者让我们看到了对上帝和我们地球的依赖?许多妇女已经在全球范围内开始这项工作。2002年,罗斯玛丽·拉德福德·鲁瑟(Rosemary Radford Ruether)在全球范围内召集了16名来自世界各地的妇女妇女治愈地球:生态,女权主义和宗教的第三世界妇女告诉我们她们如何做并取得成功。此处重点介绍了每个人对如何在基层治愈地球的远见。从他们的见解中,本文探讨了他们今天仍然有意义的贡献,并增加了对青藏高原上危险性的新关注。文章强调了他们的想法,提供了警告和其他想法,这些想法可能会激发集体应对气候变化的动力。
