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Intergenerational transmission of fertility outcomes in Spain
The Manchester School ( IF 1.063 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1111/manc.12366
Marina Morales 1

The aim of this paper is to analyze whether parents' fertility behavior may be an important determinant of the future fertility outcomes of their children in Spain. To address this issue, we use data from the Survey of Living Conditions. Our results confirm the intergenerational transmission of fertility behavior in Spain. The higher the parents’ number of children, the higher the number of children that individuals have. We find that individuals from regions where parents have few children may have 0.02 fewer children, because of differences in parental fertility, than those individuals living in regions whose parents have a large number of children, which represents 7% of the difference in fertility across regions.



本文的目的是分析父母的生育行为是否可能是其子女在西班牙未来生育结果的重要决定因素。为了解决这个问题,我们使用了生活条件调查的数据。我们的结果证实了西班牙生育行为的代际传递。父母的孩子数量越多,个人拥有的孩子数量也就越多。我们发现,由于父母生育率的差异,来自父母少子女地区的个体可能比居住在父母子女多的地区的个体少 0.02 个子女,这代表了地区间生育率差异的 7% .