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Ice-marginal lakes associated with enhanced recession of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103503
Joseph Mallalieu , Jonathan L. Carrivick , Duncan J. Quincey , Cassandra L. Raby

There has been a progressive increase in the number and area of ice-marginal lakes situated along the south-western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) since the 1980s. The increased prevalence of ice-marginal lakes is notable because of their capacity to enhance mass loss and ice-margin recession through a number of thermo-mechanical controls. Although such effects have been extensively documented at alpine glaciers, an understanding of how ice-marginal lakes impact the dynamics of the GrIS has been limited by a sparsity of observational records. This study employs the Landsat archive to conduct a multi-decadal, regional-scale statistical analysis of ice-margin advance and recession along a ~ 5000 km length of the south-western margin of the GrIS, incorporating its terrestrial, lacustrine and marine ice-margins. We reveal an extended and accelerating phase of ice-margin recession in south-west Greenland from 1992 onwards, irrespective of margin type, but also observe considerable heterogeneity in the behaviour of the different ice-marginal environments. Marine ice-margins exhibited the greatest magnitude and variability in ice-margin change, however lacustrine termini were notable for a progressive increase in ice-margin recession rates from 1987 to 2015, which increasingly outpaced those measured at terrestrial ice-margins. Furthermore, significant correlations were identified between lake parameters and rates of lacustrine ice-margin recession, including lake area, latitude, altitude and the length of the lake – ice-margin interface. These results suggest that ice-marginal lakes have become increasingly important drivers of ice-margin recession and thus mass loss at the GrIS, however further research is needed to better parameterise the causal connections between ice-marginal lake evolution and enhanced ice-margin recession. More widely, a detailed understanding of the impacts of ice-marginal lakes on ice-margin dynamics across Greenland is increasingly necessary to accurately forecast the response of the ice sheet to enhanced ice-marginal lake prevalence and thus refine projections of recession, mass loss and sea level rise.



自1980年代以来,格陵兰冰原(GrIS)西南边缘的冰缘湖泊数量和面积都在逐渐增加。值得注意的是,冰缘湖的流行率增加,因为它们有能力通过许多热机械控制来增加质量损失和冰缘衰退。尽管在高山冰川上已广泛记录了这种影响,但是由于稀疏的观测记录,人们对冰缘湖泊如何影响GrIS动力学的理解受到限制。这项研究利用Landsat档案库,对GrIS西南边缘约5000 km长的冰缘前进和后退进行了数十年,区域范围的统计分析,并结合了陆地,湖泊和海洋冰层。利润。我们揭示了自1992年以来西南格陵兰岛冰缘衰退的延长和加速阶段,无论其边缘类型如何,但还观察到在不同冰缘环境的行为中存在相当大的异质性。海洋冰缘在冰缘变化中表现出最大的幅度和变异性,但是湖终点站在1987年至2015年间的冰缘衰退率逐渐上升,这一增幅已超过陆地冰缘的测量值。此外,在湖泊参数和湖冰缘退缩速度之间也发现了显着的相关性,包括湖泊面积,纬度,高度和湖泊冰缘界面的长度。这些结果表明,冰缘湖泊已成为冰缘衰退和因此造成的质量损失的越来越重要的驱动力,但是还需要进一步研究以更好地参数化冰缘湖泊演化与强化冰缘衰退之间的因果关系。更广泛地讲,对于准确预测冰原对冰缘湖冰盛行程度的响应,从而细化衰退,质量损失和增长的预测,越来越需要对格陵兰缘冰湖对格陵兰冰缘动态的影响的详细了解。海平面上升。
