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Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale-20 (PASS-20-SV).
Psicothema ( IF 4.104 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2020.260
Alicia E López-Martínez,Rosa Esteve,Gema T Ruiz-Párraga,Carmen Rueda-Serrano,Elena R Serrano-Ibáñez,Carmen Ramírez-Maestre

BACKGROUND The PASS-20 is a general measure of pain-related anxiety and fear. The aim of the present study was to adapt the questionnaire for use in Spanish-speaking populations. METHODS Sample 1 comprised 216 individuals with chronic spinal pain (114 women and 102 men); sample 2 comprised 85 individuals with acute spinal pain (62 women and 23 men). The dimensionality of the PASS-20-SV items was evaluated using Exploratory Factor Analysis and an optimal implementation of Parallel Analysis (robust maximum likelihood). Data from sample 1 was used to analyse internal consistency and convergent validity. Estimated test-retest stability and predictive validity were based on data from the sample 2 participants, who completed the first administration (T1) and a second administration (T2, 6 months later). RESULTS The PASS-20-SV comprises two factors: pain-related anxiety and apprehension, and pain-related fear and avoidance. It has good to excellent reliability and adequate test-retest stability. The results support its convergent and predictive validity. CONCLUSIONS The Spanish Version of the PASS-20 is a valid, reliable measure of pain-related anxiety and pain-related fear in Spanish-speaking patients.


西班牙版疼痛焦虑症状量表 20 (PASS-20-SV) 的心理测量特性。

背景 PASS-20 是与疼痛相关的焦虑和恐惧的一般量度。本研究的目的是调整问卷以适用于讲西班牙语的人群。方法 样本 1 包括 216 名患有慢性脊椎疼痛的人(114 名女性和 102 名男性);样本 2 包括 85 名患有急性脊髓痛的人(62 名女性和 23 名男性)。PASS-20-SV 项目的维度使用探索性因子分析和并行分析的最佳实施(稳健最大似然)进行评估。来自样本 1 的数据用于分析内部一致性和收敛效度。估计的重测稳定性和预测有效性基于样本 2 参与者的数据,他们完成了第一次给药 (T1) 和第二次给药 (T2,6 个月后)。结果 PASS-20-SV 包括两个因素:与疼痛相关的焦虑和忧虑,以及与疼痛相关的恐惧和回避。它具有良好到极好的可靠性和足够的重测稳定性。结果支持其收敛效度和预测效度。结论 西班牙语版的 PASS-20 是有效、可靠的测量西班牙语患者疼痛相关焦虑和疼痛相关恐惧的方法。