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Life History of Bedellia somnulentella (Lepidoptera: Bedelliidae) Feeding on Ipomoea batatas (Solanales: Convolvulaceae) Leaves and Survey of Parasitoids in Brazil
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-05 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/toab078
Marinalva Martins Dos Santos 1 , Marcus Alvarenga Soares 1 , Isabel Moreira da Silva 1 , Zaira Vieira Caldeira 1 , Caique Menezes de Abreu 1 , Michael Willian Rocha de Souza 2 , Antônio Alberto da Silva 3 , José Cola Zanuncio 4 , Bárbara Monteiro de Castro E Castro 3

The microlepidoptera, Bedellia somnulentella (Zeller), is an important pest of sweetpotato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Damage by B. somnulentella occurs in the larval stage and when consuming the foliar mesophyll of I. batatas make the leaves brown, wrinkled, and reducing the photosynthetic area and the yield. The detection and management of this pest depends on knowing its biological cycle and identifying its natural enemies. The objectives of this study were to determine the life history of B. somnulentella feeding on I. batatas leaves and to survey parasitoids of this pest in the field. The duration and viability of B. somnulentella egg, larva, prepupa, pupa, and adult stages were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Cephalic capsule width was measured to determine the number of B. somnulentella instars, based on the Dyar rule and analyzed by the Akaike statistical model (AIC). The developmental period of B. somnulentella was 32.5 ± 0. 21 d with a viability of 75, 84, 100, and 84% for the egg, larva, prepupa, and pupa stages, respectively. The identification of this pest on the plants is possible from the third instar and in the pupal and adult stages. The parasitoid Conura sp. (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) was identified parasitizing pupae of B. somnulentella and could be considered a potential natural enemy for the integrated management of this pest.


Bedellia somnulentella (Lepidoptera: Bedelliidae) 的生活史以 Ipomoea batatas (Solanales: Convolvulaceae) 叶子为食和巴西寄生蜂的调查

微型鳞翅目 Bedellia somnulentella (Zeller) 是甘薯 Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam 的重要害虫。B. somnulentella 的危害发生在幼虫阶段,当食用 I. batatas 的叶肉时,会使叶片变褐、起皱,并减少光合面积和产量。对这种害虫的检测和管理取决于了解其生物周期并识别其天敌。本研究的目的是确定以 I. batatas 叶子为食的 B. somnulentella 的生活史,并调查该害虫在田间的寄生蜂。在实验室条件下评估 B. somnulentella 卵、幼虫、预蛹、蛹和成虫阶段的持续时间和活力。测量头囊宽度以确定 B. somnulentella instars 的数量,基于 Dyar 规则并通过 Akaike 统计模型 (AIC) 进行分析。B. somnulentella 的发育周期为 32.5 ± 0. 21 d,卵、幼虫、预蛹和蛹阶段的存活率分别为 75、84、100 和 84%。可以从第三龄以及蛹和成虫阶段识别植物上的这种害虫。寄生蜂 Conura sp。(膜翅目:Chalcididae)被鉴定寄生在 B. somnulentella 的蛹上,可被视为该害虫综合治理的潜在天敌。可以从第三龄以及蛹和成虫阶段识别植物上的这种害虫。寄生蜂 Conura sp。(膜翅目:Chalcididae)被鉴定寄生在 B. somnulentella 的蛹上,可被视为该害虫综合治理的潜在天敌。可以从第三龄以及蛹和成虫阶段识别植物上的这种害虫。寄生蜂 Conura sp。(膜翅目:Chalcididae)被鉴定寄生在 B. somnulentella 的蛹上,可被视为该害虫综合治理的潜在天敌。