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Three-dimensional modeling of sediment resuspension in a large shallow lake
Journal of Great Lakes Research ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2021.04.014
S. Lin , L. Boegman , R. Valipour , D. Bouffard , J.D. Ackerman , Y. Zhao

We simulated bottom resuspension events in Lake Erie, using a coupled three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model. Key parameters in the model, including critical bottom shear stress (τcr) and resuspension rate (α) were calibrated and validated by comparing the model output to observations. These included total suspended solid (TSS) concentrations in the bottom boundary layer (RMSE = 0.74 mgL-1) and water column (RMSE = 0.81 mgL-1), and to time series of acoustic backscatter signal (R2 > 0.8) and turbidity (R2 ≈ 0.4) from long-term moorings near the lakebed in 2008–09 and 2013. Signals from phytoplankton, in spring and summer, caused discrepancies between modeled TSS and the observed turbidity data. Although common practice, we show that literature-based or field-observed critical shear stress should not be directly applied in large-scale Reynolds-averaged sediment model as this will likely underestimate resuspension. In agreement with the literature, the model reproduced more frequent and intensive surface-wave driven resuspension in the shallow regions (< ~20 m), particularly in the western basin, compared to the deeper central and eastern basins, where bottom stresses induced by mean currents (τc) were comparable with those due to surface waves (τw). However, on the north-shore of the eastern basin, τc often predominated over τw. We simulated thermocline motion, including up- and down-welling events and swashing of the internal Poincaré wave, to contribute to τc in the central basin and form nepheloid layers.



我们使用耦合的三维水动力和水质模型模拟了伊利湖的底部再悬浮事件。模型中的关键参数,包括临界底部剪应力(τ) 和再悬浮率 ( α ) 通过将模型输出与观察结果进行比较来校准和验证。这些包括底部边界层中的总悬浮固体 ( TSS ) 浓度 (RMSE = 0.74毫克-1) 和水柱 (RMSE = 0.81 毫克-1),以及2008-09 和 2013 年湖床附近长期停泊处的声学反向散射信号 (R 2  > 0.8) 和浊度 (R 2 ≈ 0.4) 的时间序列。春季和夏季来自浮游植物的信号导致差异建模的TSS之间和观察到的浊度数据。尽管是普遍做法,但我们表明,不应直接将基于文献或现场观察到的临界剪切应力应用于大型雷诺平均沉积物模型,因为这可能会低估再悬浮。与文献一致,与较深的中部和东部盆地相比,该模型在浅层区域(<~20 m),特别是在西部盆地再现了更频繁和更强烈的表面波驱动的再悬浮,其中底部应力由平均电流(τC) 与那些由于表面波 (τ)。然而,在东部盆地的北岸,τC 经常占主导地位 τ. 我们模拟了温跃层运动,包括上升和下降事件以及内部庞加莱波的冲刷,以促进τC 在中央盆地并形成星云层。
