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Comparative study on the effects of Acacia albida on yield and yield components of different cereal crops in Southern Ethiopia
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2021.1918234
Getahun Haile 1 , Mulugeta Lemenih 2 , Fisseha Itanna 3 , Getachew Agegnehu 4


We studied the effects of Acacia albida on the growth and yield of wheat, maize, and teff with increasing distance from trees in Ethiopia in the 2014/2015 cropping season. The treatments comprised four radial distances of 1.5m, 3.5m, 5.5m, and 12.5m as a control away from the tree with three replications. Results showed that higher wheat yields were recorded at 5.5m and 3.5m than at 12.5m, with yield increments of 11 and 12%, respectively compared to 12.5m. The highest maize yield was obtained from 3.5m, with a yield advantage of 12.3% compared to 12.5m. Teff yield increased with increasing distance from the tree trunk. Wheat and maize yield gains near the canopies may be associated with higher organic matter and soil nutrients, while their yield reduction with decreasing distance from the tree may be associated with the shading effect of tree canopies. Wheat was the most compatible crop when integrated with A. albida under shade conditions followed by maize, while teff was highly susceptible to shading effect. We suggest that integrating A. albida with the right crops and appropriate tree management could enhance crop yield. Lopping is required before sowing teff and maize with A. albida to minimize shading effects




我们研究了金合欢的效果2014/2015 种植季节埃塞俄比亚小麦、玉米和画眉草的生长和产量随着与树木距离的增加而变化。处理包括 1.5m、3.5m、5.5m 和 12.5m 的四个径向距离,作为远离树的对照,三个重复。结果表明,与 12.5m 相比,5.5m 和 3.5m 的小麦产量高于 12.5m,产量分别增加了 11% 和 12%。玉米产量最高的是 3.5m,与 12.5m 相比,产量优势为 12.3%。画眉草产量随着与树干距离的增加而增加。靠近树冠的小麦和玉米产量增加可能与较高的有机质和土壤养分有关,而随着距离树木距离的减少,它们的产量下降可能与树冠的遮荫效应有关。A. albida在遮荫条件下其次是玉米,而画眉对遮荫效果非常敏感。我们建议将A. albida与正确的作物和适当的树木管理相结合可以提高作物产量。在用A. albida播种画眉和玉米之前需要修剪,以尽量减少遮荫效应
