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Aggregate Cyber-Risk Management in the IoT Age: Cautionary Statistics for (Re)Insurers and Likes
arXiv - CS - Performance Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: arxiv-2105.01792
Ranjan Pal, Ziyuan Huang, Xinlong Yin, Sergey Lototsky, Swades De, Sasu Tarkoma, Mingyan Liu, Jon Crowcroft, Nishanth Sastry

In this paper, we provide (i) a rigorous general theory to elicit conditions on (tail-dependent) heavy-tailed cyber-risk distributions under which a risk management firm might find it (non)sustainable to provide aggregate cyber-risk coverage services for smart societies, and (ii)a real-data driven numerical study to validate claims made in theory assuming boundedly rational cyber-risk managers, alongside providing ideas to boost markets that aggregate dependent cyber-risks with heavy-tails.To the best of our knowledge, this is the only complete general theory till date on the feasibility of aggregate cyber-risk management.


