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PingAn-VCGroup's Solution for ICDAR 2021 Competition on Scientific Table Image Recognition to Latex
arXiv - CS - Artificial Intelligence Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: arxiv-2105.01846
Yelin He, Xianbiao Qi, Jiaquan Ye, Peng Gao, Yihao Chen, Bingcong Li, Xin Tang, Rong Xiao

This paper presents our solution for the ICDAR 2021 Competition on Scientific Table Image Recognition to LaTeX. This competition has two sub-tasks: Table Structure Reconstruction (TSR) and Table Content Reconstruction (TCR). We treat both sub-tasks as two individual image-to-sequence recognition problems. We leverage our previously proposed algorithm MASTER \cite{lu2019master}, which is originally proposed for scene text recognition. We optimize the MASTER model from several perspectives: network structure, optimizer, normalization method, pre-trained model, resolution of input image, data augmentation, and model ensemble. Our method achieves 0.7444 Exact Match and 0.8765 Exact Match @95\% on the TSR task, and obtains 0.5586 Exact Match and 0.7386 Exact Match 95\% on the TCR task.


平安VC集团为ICDAR 2021竞赛提供的乳胶科学表格图像识别解决方案

本文介绍了针对LaTeX的ICDAR 2021科学表格图像识别竞赛的解决方案。这项比赛有两个子任务:表结构重建(TSR)和表内容重建(TCR)。我们将这两个子任务视为两个单独的图像到序列识别问题。我们利用先前提出的算法MASTER \ cite {lu2019master},该算法最初是为场景文本识别而提出的。我们从多个角度优化MASTER模型:网络结构,优化器,归一化方法,预训练模型,输入图像的分辨率,数据扩充和模型集成。我们的方法在TSR任务上达到0.7444精确匹配和0.8765精确匹配@ 95 \%,在TCR任务上获得0.5586精确匹配和0.7386精确匹配95 \%。