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The seven ways eukaryotes produce repeated colour motifs on external tissues
Biological Reviews ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.1111/brv.12720
Pierre Galipot 1, 2 , Catherine Damerval 2 , Florian Jabbour 1

The external tissues of numerous eukaryote species show repeated colour patterns, usually characterized by units that are present at least twice on the body. These dotted, striped or more complex phenotypes carry out crucial biological functions, such as partner recognition, aposematism or camouflage. Very diverse mechanisms explaining the formation of repeated colour patterns in eukaryotes have been identified and described, and it is timely to review this field from an evolutionary and developmental biology perspective. We propose a novel classification consisting of seven families of primary mechanisms: Turing(-like), cellular automaton, multi-induction, physical cracking, random, neuromuscular and printing. In addition, we report six pattern modifiers, acting synergistically with these primary mechanisms to enhance the spectrum of repeated colour patterns. We discuss the limitations of our classification in light of currently unexplored extant diversity. As repeated colour patterns require both the production of a repetitive structure and colouration, we also discuss the nature of the links between these two processes. A more complete understanding of the formation of repeated colour patterns in eukaryotes will require (i) a deeper exploration of biological diversity, tackling the issue of pattern elaboration during the development of non-model taxa, and (ii) exploring some of the most promising ways to discover new families of mechanisms. Good starting points include evaluating the role of mechanisms known to produce non-repeated colour patterns and that of mechanisms responsible for repeated spatial patterns lacking colouration.



许多真核生物物种的外部组织显示出重复的颜色图案,通常以在身体上至少出现两次的单元为特征。这些点状、条纹状或更复杂的表型具有重要的生物学功能,例如伴侣识别、脱位或伪装。已经确定和描述了解释真核生物中重复颜色模式形成的非常不同的机制,从进化和发育生物学的角度来回顾这个领域是及时的。我们提出了一个由七个主要机制家族组成的新分类:图灵(类)、元胞自动机、多重感应、物理破解、随机、神经肌肉和打印。此外,我们报告了六个模式修饰符,与这些主要机制协同作用以增强重复颜色图案的光谱。我们根据目前尚未探索的现存多样性讨论我们分类的局限性。由于重复的颜色图案需要产生重复的结构和着色,我们还讨论了这两个过程之间联系的性质。更完整地了解真核生物中重复颜色图案的形成需要(i ) 更深入地探索生物多样性,解决非模型类群开发过程中的模式阐述问题,以及 ( ii ) 探索发现新机制家族的一些最有希望的方法。好的起点包括评估已知产生非重复颜色模式的机制的作用以及负责缺乏着色的重复空间模式的机制的作用。