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Case report: unusual peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in an 8-month-old German Shepherd Dog, associated with a pericardial pseudo-cyst and coexisting severe pericardial effusion resulting in right sided heart failure
Frontiers in Veterinary Science ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-05 , DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.673543
Imke Hennink 1 , Pia Düver 2 , Ulrich Rytz 2 , Felix Meneses 3 , Melania Moioli 3 , Katja-Nicole Adamik 1 , Alan Kovačević 4

Abstract Objective: To describe an unusual peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH) in an 8-month-old German Shepherd Dog, associated with a pericardial pseudocyst and coexisting severe pericardial effusion resulting in right sided heart failure. Case summary: An 8-month-old, male, intact, German Shepherd Dog, was referred for ascites. Echocardiography revealed a severe pericardial effusion with a cyst-like structure within the pericardium and consequently decompensated right sided heart failure. The ascites was secondary to right sided heart failure (cardiac tamponade). Computed tomography (CT) of the thorax and abdomen was performed and showed peritoneal-pericardial-diaphragmatic-hernia (PPDH) with severe pericardial effusion and presence of a pericardial cyst-like structure; xyphoid cleft and y-shaped seventh sternebra; mild thickening along the cranioventral abdominal wall consistent with scar tissue from the previous umbilical hernia surgical repair. During surgery the PPDH was corrected, and it was revealed that the remnant of the umbilical cord passed through it, into the pericardium. The cyst-like structure was successfully resected and send for pathology. Histopathology showed signs of a chronic suppurative inflammation, with absence of a mesothelial or endothelial wall layer, thus consistent with a pseudo-cyst. Based on tomographic and surgical findings, it is suspected that the pseudo-cyst, together with the pericardial effusion, evolved by an inflammation of the remnant of the umbilical cord during the umbilical hernia surgical repair 1 month prior to presentation. The underlying PPDH most likely favoured the development of the pericardial pseudo-cyst. However, due to prior antibiotic therapy initiated by the private vet, an infectious origin cannot be ruled out completely. New or unique information provided: There are a few case reports describing PPDH and/or pericardial pseudo-cysts in veterinary patients, but the current case report is unique, since it describes PPDH associated with a pericardial pseudo-cyst and coexisting severe pericardial effusion resulting in cardiac tamponade. As far as the authors know, such a case has not been described in veterinary medicine before.



摘要目的:描述一只8个月大的德国牧羊犬异常的腹膜心包膜疝(PPDH),伴有心包假性囊肿和严重的心包积液并导致右侧心力衰竭。病例摘要:一只8个月大的雄性完整的德国牧羊犬被引为腹水。超声心动图显示严重的心包积液,心包内有囊样结构,因此右侧心力衰竭失代偿。腹水继发于右侧心力衰竭(心脏压塞)。进行了胸部和腹部的计算机断层扫描(CT),显示出腹膜-心包-肌疝(PPDH)伴有严重的心包积液,并存在心包囊样结构。剑突裂和y形第七胸骨; 沿颅腹腹壁轻度增厚,与先前脐疝修补手术产生的瘢痕组织一致。在手术过程中,对PPDH进行了矫正,发现脐带的残余物通过了它,进入了心包膜。囊样结构成功切除并送病理检查。组织病理学显示出慢性化脓性炎症的迹象,没有间皮或内皮壁层,因此与假性囊肿一致。根据断层扫描和手术结果,怀疑假性囊肿与心包积液一起在出现前1个月的脐疝手术修复过程中因脐带残余物发炎而演变而来。潜在的PPDH最有可能促进心包假性囊肿的发展。但是,由于由私人兽医事先进行了抗生素治疗,因此不能完全排除传染源。提供了新的或独特的信息:有一些病例报告描述了兽医患者中的PPDH和/或心包假性囊肿,但当前的病例报告是独特的,因为它描述了PPDH与心包假性囊肿相关联,并导致严重的心包积液在心脏压塞。据作者所知,这种情况以前没有在兽医学中描述过。因为它描述了PPDH与心包假性囊肿相关,并伴有严重心包积液,导致心脏压塞。据作者所知,这种情况以前没有在兽医学中描述过。因为它描述了PPDH与心包假性囊肿相关,并伴有严重心包积液,导致心脏压塞。据作者所知,这种情况以前没有在兽医学中描述过。