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Transnational municipal networks as a mechanism for marine governance towards climate change adaptation and mitigation: between potential and practice
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.626119
Hanna Dumała , Michał Łuszczuk , Joanna Piwowarczyk , Tymon Zieliński

Many municipalities undertake actions individually and/or collectively, in cooperation with central administrations, regional authorities, the private sector, and other municipalities (both nationally and internationally). This paper aims to examine how they use Transnational Municipal Networks (TMNs) as a tool for cooperation that supports marine governance in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation. The analysis is carried out at two dimensions: spatial range (global or regional) and spatial identity (coastal or inland). Three case studies of TMNs are examined in detail: the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40); Connecting Delta Cities (CDC) and the Union of Baltic Cities (UBC). As research has shown, due to their organizational and normative limitations and a lack of maturity in ocean literacy, TMNs are not able to fully engage in all the activities related to climate change adaptation and mitigation as suggested by the UNEP. The TMNs implement both mitigation and adaptation measures, although ʽsoft’ mitigation actions seem to be the most common. While the scale and innovativeness of a networks’ operation are determined by their specificity resulting from their spatial identity, the effectiveness of jointly developed strategies and actions depend heavily on the allocation of human resources and the level of commitment of the involved cities toward becoming leaders.



许多市政当局与中央政府,区域当局,私营部门和其他市政当局(在国内和国际上)合作,单独和/或集体采取行动。本文旨在研究他们如何使用跨国市政网络(TMN)作为合作工具,以在适应和缓解气候变化的背景下支持海洋治理。分析是在两个维度上进行的:空间范围(全球或区域)和空间特性(沿海或内陆)。对TMN的三个案例研究进行了详细研究:C40城市气候领导小组(C40); C40城市气候领导小组(C40)。连接三角洲城市(CDC)和波罗的海城市联盟(UBC)。正如研究表明的那样,由于其组织和规范上的局限性以及海洋素养缺乏成熟,TMN不能按照环境署的建议充分参与与适应和减缓气候变化有关的所有活动。尽管“软”缓解措施似乎是最常见的,但TMN实施了缓解措施和适应措施。尽管网络运营的规模和创新性取决于其空间标识所产生的特殊性,但共同制定的战略和行动的有效性在很大程度上取决于人力资源的分配以及所涉城市对成为领导者的承诺水平。