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Adaptive capacities and social resilience on Kangaroo Island: Beyond the staples trap
Geographical Research ( IF 5.043 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12469
Neil Argent 1

This article uses the lens of evolutionary economic geography to consider adaptive capacities and forms of social resilience that manifest in rural, primary commodity-dependent regions in the face of structural forces to which such regions seem predisposed. Using a case study of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, the article explores the demographic and social impacts that a sudden and dramatic commodity market collapse in the 1990s had on this rural economy and community and on its regional development. During late 2017 and early 2018, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six representatives of the Kangaroo Island business community, including those from the farm, tourism, and small business sectors (three interviews) and from local government (one interview), as well as with a former rural financial counsellor and the former Commissioner for Kangaroo Island. Although the collapse of the wool market and of a flawed managed investment scheme for agroforestry had dramatically negative impacts on local economic and social systems, the Island's subsequent demographic recovery and Islanders' ongoing commitments to their sporting clubs both point to considerable adaptive capacities and social resilience. The research highlights what can be achieved by people with high levels of place attachment and commitment, as individuals and as collectives also able to draw on support scales beyond the local.



本文使用演化经济地理学的视角来考虑农村、初级商品依赖型地区在面临这些地区似乎倾向于承受的结构性力量时表现出的适应能力和社会复原力的形式。本文使用南澳大利亚袋鼠岛的案例研究,探讨了 1990 年代突然而剧烈的商品市场崩溃对这个农村经济和社区及其区域发展产生的人口和社会影响。2017 年底和 2018 年初,对袋鼠岛商界的 6 名代表进行了半结构化访谈,包括来自农场、旅游和小企业部门的代表(3 次采访)和当地政府(1 次采访),以及前农村财务顾问和前袋鼠岛专员。尽管羊毛市场的崩溃和有缺陷的农林业管理投资计划对当地经济和社会系统产生了巨大的负面影响,但该岛随后的人口恢复和岛民对其体育俱乐部的持续承诺都表明具有相当大的适应能力和社会适应能力. 该研究强调了具有高度地方依恋和承诺的人可以实现的目标,无论是作为个人还是作为集体,也能够利用当地以外的支持规模。随后的人口恢复和岛民对其体育俱乐部的持续承诺都表明了相当大的适应能力和社会适应能力。该研究强调了具有高度地方依恋和承诺的人可以实现的目标,无论是作为个人还是作为集体,也能够利用当地以外的支持规模。随后的人口恢复和岛民对其体育俱乐部的持续承诺都表明了相当大的适应能力和社会适应能力。该研究强调了具有高度地方依恋和承诺的人可以实现的目标,无论是作为个人还是作为集体,也能够利用当地以外的支持规模。