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Creating the Correct Frame of Mind: State Propaganda towards Black South Africans during the Second World War, 1939–1945
South African Historical Journal ( IF 0.526 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02582473.2021.1918231
Fankie L. Monama 1


During the Second World War (1939–1945), black South Africans displayed apathetic attitude and disloyal tendencies towards government. They were disillusioned with the racially induced social, economic and political discrimination policies of the state. Authorities established systems and exploited mass communication platforms such as the print media, radio and films to disseminate propaganda towards blacks. The intended objectives were to combat apathy and to mobilise black loyalty and cooperation during the war. This article focuses on state propaganda towards blacks against the backdrop of structural constraints and inherent inconsistencies pertaining to the pursuit of justice, freedom and democracy abroad, and a segregated political framework within the country. It commences with a brief overview of South Africa’s political dynamics associated with the outbreak of the war, then outlines the government’s propaganda policy and rationale. Thereafter, it describes the institutional arrangements to facilitate propaganda dissemination, followed by an analysis of the different measures, media platforms, contents and main themes, including the responses of blacks to propaganda. The article seeks to illustrate how propaganda was conducted to mobilise black opinion and support, and the extent of its effectiveness and limitations within the context of divisions and discriminatory policies and practices in the country.


建立正确的心态:1939-1945 年第二次世界大战期间对南非黑人的国家宣传


在第二次世界大战期间(1939-1945 年),南非黑人表现出冷漠的态度和对政府不忠的倾向。他们对国家由种族引发的社会、经济和政治歧视政策感到失望。当局建立制度,利用印刷媒体、广播和电影等大众传播平台传播对黑人的宣传。预期的目标是在战争期间与冷漠作斗争并动员黑人的忠诚与合作。本文重点关注在结构性限制和与在国外追求正义、自由和民主以及国内隔离的政治框架相关的内在矛盾的背景下,国家对黑人的宣传。它首先简要概述了与战争爆发相关的南非政治动态,然后概述了政府的宣传政策和基本原理。此后,它描述了促进宣传传播的制度安排,然后分析了不同的措施、媒体平台、内容和主题,包括黑人对宣传的反应。本文旨在说明如何进行宣传以动员黑人舆论和支持,以及在该国分歧和歧视性政策和做法的背景下其有效性和局限性的程度。随后分析了不同的措施、媒体平台、内容和主题,包括黑人对宣传的反应。本文旨在说明如何进行宣传以动员黑人舆论和支持,以及在该国分歧和歧视性政策和做法的背景下其有效性和局限性的程度。随后分析了不同的措施、媒体平台、内容和主题,包括黑人对宣传的反应。本文旨在说明如何进行宣传以动员黑人舆论和支持,以及在该国分歧和歧视性政策和做法的背景下其有效性和局限性的程度。
